Humans - brothers and foster fathers - saved and raised into Legion ranks. Abaddon's ultimate success was only foiled by the Eldar, who had foreseen his plan through the visions of their Farseers and entered a desperate alliance with the Imperium in order to stop the Black Legion's attempt to seize all of the Blackstone Fortresses. Abaddon narrowed his eyes and asked, "He?" He needed an edge, something to give Mankind an advantage as they struck out against a very hostile galaxy once more. Angron during the bloody slaughter of the Istvaan III Atrocity. Inquisitors and high-ranking commissars or Astra Militarum officers tend to possess them, as do members of various noble families with potent political clout and wealth. After the Primarch Angron's rediscovery, the Emperor noted that he had been altered by the cerebral cybernetic modifications known as the Butcher's Nails that had been implanted in his mind by the gladiatorial slave lords of his homeworld of Nuceria. During this campaign of destruction, Lorgar came to realise that over the course of their Shadow Crusade, Angron's temperament and mental stability had steadily grown worse. When the Horus Heresy came to a head, it was clear that Abaddon's loyalty lay with his primarch. Their deepest desire is to destroy others. Sanguinius' violent death left a strong psychic imprint on his Legion, since they partially share his DNA. They all missed it -- a Space Marine Legion's unity and its bonds of loyalty. The Daemon Primarch roared in frustration, unable to circumvent the lingering effects of the Emperor's psychic barrier to pursue what he perceived as his cowardly brother into the palace. The Emperor's use of this knowledge meant that the primarchs were intended to be spiritually as well as physically engineered and may explain why they possessed so much personal magnetism and charisma beyond what even their enhanced genetics would predict. It is two-handed and shaped like a great scythe or heavy spear, and it is the largest and most potent of all the Aeldari hand-held power weapons, tremendously augmenting the reach and strength behind each blow. Lorgar and his brother Angron stand together against the Ultramarines during the Purge of Nuceria. In the course of the battle in Nucerian orbit, the Conqueror could not rise to its sister-ship's defence. Those of the Nine Legions knew the vessel well -- an immense battleship, majestic beyond majesty, with its spinal fortresses and armoured prow delineating the bulky murderousness of a Scylla Pattern variant of the ancient Gloriana-class Battleship hull. This is only a select list of sources. In the mid-38th Millennium, Angron and 50,000 Chaos Space Marines and troops drawn from the other forces of Chaos slaughtered their way through a large swathe of Imperial space for over two standard centuries. Officers in certain Astra Militarum Rough Rider regiments prefer to wield power spears over weapons like cavalry sabres, or even wield them as a secondary weapon for use after a hunting lance charge. [Needs Citation] When the Emperor found Baal in his search for the twenty Primarchs, Sanguinius immediately recognized him for who he was and knelt before him, pledging his service in 843.M30. A very great deal about the life story of the Daemon Primarch Angron remains unknown to the wider Imperial record. He vanished into thin air around a thousand years after the Horus Heresy. It burst what remained of the creature's force field in a whiplash of air pressure, and boiled the skin and hair from its head. [29] The legion is ruled centrally from the Dark Council of Sicarus[6]. They fought with utter devotion and a fanatical zeal. Word Bearers, once the XVII Legion of the twenty original Space Marine legions. Not least of the XIIth Legion's detractors was Roboute Guilliman, the Primarch of the Ultramarines, who fought beside Angron and his Legion during the Cleansing of Arigatta and saw at first hand the bloodbath they left in the wake of their attack on the Basalt Citadel, where the last defenders of this non-Compliant Human world had made their stand. The Lord Corruptor is tasked with instilling fear and hatred amongst the Chaos Space Marines of the Black Legion. Ingethel the Ascended led the Serrated Sun Chapter of the Word Bearers into the Great Eye where the failure of the Eldar Empire was witnessed first hand. As with all of the Primarchs, Sanguinius was genetically engineered to be a supreme super-soldier but was cast into the warp during his infancy along with his brothers, and found on the nuclear-blasted moon of Baal Secundus. Most infamously, Angron ordered his warriors to conquer a targeted world within 31 solar hours -- the length of a single Nucerian local day -- and the time in which it took Angron to score his greatest victory upon his former homeworld. Kor Phaeron retreated all the way to the Maelstrom, a turbulent region of the galaxy where the Immaterium of Chaos seeps through into the material realm of the universe. [18b], Lorgar and the Word Bearers spent the remaining years of the Great Crusade attempting to enlighten humanity about the universal truths of the universe, and began the long process of sending their forces throughout the rest of the Astartes Legions to establish Warrior Lodges and subvert them from within.[7k]. Additionally, the wielder of a Null Rod and their nearby allies cannot be affected by psychic powers or the emanations of the Warp in any way. In the east, along the Chaeron River, the Imperial forces held, but towards the west on the Styx River Angron led the way himself. This Greater Daemon of Slaanesh resided within Fulgrim's form for a time until the primarch reasserted his dominance and regained control of his body. Thus he took The Pilgrimage, a mythological journey to the place where gods and mortals meet in an attempt to discover the universal truth of the universe and enlighten humanity and his father. Vel-Kheredar did not know how long it would take the Nails to kill the primarch based on the little data available but he made an educated estimate. However, despite the reckless carnage and terrible destruction it caused, eventually, the 1st Black Crusade ended. All of the Traitor Legionaries present had long been inured to horror, for it was not the abundance of flesh heresy taking place inside the chambers that brought them to a halt. Abaddon ordered his crew to let the other voidships run. This forced the world's human tribes to build cumbersome radiation suits in order to survive. Echoes is the penultimate book in the Siege series, but eschews the wider war for a laser-focus on the key pieces left on the board and their final stand. This was Abaddon's dark dream and the path that would shape his destiny for centuries to come. Horus was a fool. However, outside its entrance, Sanguinius was faced with the single greatest foe who would have the greatest effect on his Legion and its descendants down the millennia; Ka'Bandha, Greater Daemon and Bloodthirster of Khorne. Warhammer 40k They were the first of the nine Legions which betrayed the Emperor, becoming the first known Chaos Space Marines, pledging their allegiance to their Primarch Lorgar and to Chaos Undivided. He also realised that the Eye of Terror was a place containing unnumbered arcane devices, forbidden weapons and lost worlds, the likes of which were unknown to much of the galaxy -- and that many of them could be turned to his ends. Should they survive the battle they will probably die of their wounds afterwards, once the frenzied slaughter is past. The weight of the Lex's massive plasma engines dragged the stern down first, colliding with the Nucerian ocean's surface far from shore. He had launched the hopeless assault in the hopes of delaying the Chaos offensive upon the Imperium until reinforcements could arrive. However, the Emperor kept both the physical infrastructure and knowledge gleaned from the Primarch Project intact -- including samples of the original generic primarch gene-stock. I joined his rebellion because I can tolerate him easier than I can endure the abomination that names himself Master of Mankind. The relentless advance of the Word Bearers is a terrifying sight, as the monotonous chant and beat of drums can break even the strongest will. There was no impassioned judgement delivered by Abaddon as destiny changed hands from one Warmaster to the next. By the dawn of the 31st Millennium, as the World Eaters' vicious savagery only worsened, many of Angron's brother Primarchs voiced their concerns to the Emperor, yet the Master of Mankind, having left the Great Crusade to return to Terra, proceeded to seek help from an unfortunate source. Even after trying scores of times to map the labyrinth, an individual would only manage more than a handful of turns within its twisting corridors before it all stopped making sense. They began to only maintain line infantry and jump troops, in part due to the reluctance of the Imperium to supply them with more advanced weapons. It also served as a fortress from which they would launch further attacks upon both the Imperium and their fellow Traitor Legions. The wars between the other Legions who had sided with Horus during the Horus Heresy raged across the Eye of Terror even as the Sons of Horus ignored the events happening around them, and continued to raise their fortress ever higher, worshipping the corpse of their Primarch. Nor an abomination half lost to mutation's touch. Who else amongst the hosts of the traitors embraced damnation with such a fierce glee?". As was their way, the Ultramarines established footholds at defensible positions, clearing room for their reinforcements to land. horus heresy world eaters Mirrorswords allow for a greater number of blows to be made by the wielder in melee combat, compared to other Aeldari warriors who also wield dual close combat weapons. Warhammer 40k He explained that it was only natural for any creation to refer to its creator as father. Chaos Space Marine Legions and Warbands (List), Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Dark Crusade, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Chaos Rising, Codex: Space Marines (8th Edition, 2nd Codex), Codex Supplement: Ultramarines (8th Edition), Warhammer Community: Relics of Treachery Chaos Artefacts in Traitor Legions (Posted 8/12/2016), Warhammer Community: Andy Clark's Bearers of the Word Article One (Posted on 19/02/2017), War Zone Charadon - Act I: The Book of Rust, Warhammer Community: This Free Horus Heresy Mission Sees Ghastly Word Bearers Procurators Descend on the Blood Angels, The Scouring of Gilden's Star PDF (Posted on 27/06/2022), But in addition to maintaining a potent power field that can burn and disrupt the atomic bonds of any substance the blade comes in contact with, wicked-looking Drukhari power swords are also often coated in horrific toxins and poisons that can cause all forms of excruciating death. Measured, confident. [38] In the aftermath of the battle Belisarius Cawl and the Zar-Quaesitor arrives along with thousands of new Primaris Space Marine recruits to rebuild the shattered chapter. Others attempted to cease the revenant's rampage, but all fell before the cloned-Primarch's might. Sanguinius created three Spheres to encompass his hosts, each with its own chamber that would give order and purpose to the Legion. A Chaos Space Marine Helbrute outfitted with a massive, Dreadnought-sized Power Scourge. The Emperor's Children were not unknowable years away from a cloning genesis. Roboute Guilliman of the Ultramarinesnearly met his end slowly after fighting his former brother Fulgrim of the Emperor's Children Traitor Legion during the Battle of Thessala in 121.M31. The Axe of Chalcydon was a Power Axe borne by Saint Jason of the Ecclesiarchy during his crusade against the Aeldari on the world of Huale. yet, for all of the Vengeful Spirit 's size and strength, only a handful of warriors populated the Battleship's halls. A former Battle-Brother of Abaddon's, Drecarth had been one of Horus' captains, escaping in the chaos after Maeleum fell. You may be able to best me, but you cannot hope to defeat Chaos. Through alliance, threats and promises, Abaddon was able to muster the largest force of Traitor Legions seen since the Horus Heresy and took the Imperium by surprise. After the recovery of the malefic sword, Abaddon's power swelled to inhuman proportions and the new Warmaster of Chaos become nigh unstoppable. They originally served as the Imperium's XVIIIth Space Marine Legion during the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy and for some time Guilliman himself had done the best he could with limited resources. Lorgar focused his concentration on the triumphant form of his mutilated brother, calling for the Neverborn, the entities Humanity called daemons, to answer in kind. Warhammer 40k Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. At this Sanguinius gathered his senior officers and organised a counterattack against a foe they had no experience fighting, however, sure of their victory, Sanguinius declared This foul creature will know what it is to face my wrath. Sargon claimed that he had not only seen the Vengeful Spirit, he had also trod the decks of the mighty flagship himself. At Baal's Skyfall Orbital Dock, Dante is gathering the Fleet Nihilus. As the Traitor Legions turned upon one another, the Dark Gods subverted and manipulated their new playthings, reshaping the Legions for their own ends and the never-ending war between the gods. A Black Legion warband attacking an Imperial stronghold. Unfortunately, this protection proved insufficient, for the Chaos Gods learned of the Emperor's plans and the existence of the Primarch Project. It was bad enough that they were burdened with the only primarch to fail in conquering his homeworld. Meanwhile, the Sons of Horus carried the body of their Primarch, preserved in stasis, further into the Eye, ignoring the wars that raged around them. These perils claim many youths; however, enough reach the place of Challenge to hold gladiatorial contests, which rival in scale the Ultramar's. Chapter Master Dante abstained from drinking blood for centuries, and he eventually developed wrinkled skin and white hair like on old man and likewise felt psychologically worn out. But that was not the only reason he had summoned them. It is unknown exactly when the project began but Perturabo would later estimate his own birth to be the year 792.M30, which gives an approximate date for the project's end, though he was referring to his With both the Dark Angels and Space Wolves Legions on their way to Terra to reinforce the Loyalist defenders, Horus gambled everything in order to win the siege, lowering the Void Shields on his flagship, the Vengeful Spirit, and daring the Emperor to come aboard and face him. The forces within, being devoted to the service of Chaos and the Ruinous Powers, usually fought against each other as was their fractious nature, but occasionally and inexplicably they put aside their rivalries to launch an assault on their common enemy, the Imperium of Man. This was a role fitting for them, as the early IXth Legion recruited from the lost and dispossessed of Terra. Exodus 20:16 You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Several Ultramarines warships attempted to make a run on Nuceria, hemorrhaging Drop Pods, landers and gunships, forcing planetfall by any means necessary. In these early years of the Great Crusade, Angron still carried his first axe, the precursor to all others. The Black Legion fighting against the Deathwing, the elite 1st Company of the Dark Angels Chapter during the 13th Black Crusade. The Canticle City was prepared to repel assaults, with its skyline's armoured bastions aiming defence turrets and flak cannons towards the heavens. Roboute Guilliman (pronounced Ruh-BOOT-ay GIL-li-man), sometimes referred to as the "Avenging Son," "The Victorious," "The Master of Ultramar" and "The Blade of Unity," is the primarch of the Ultramarines Space Marine Legion and its myriad subsequent At the same time, Dorn's skeletal corpse, without the hands, was also placed by the Imperial Fists within another chapel on the Phalanx, embedded within a block of clear amber that has been contoured to match the body's form. The most potent known standard power weapon is the massive power fist mounted on a Dreadnought. I died after Desh'elika.". The corrupted Warmaster had a plan by which he would destroy all the remaining Loyalist elements of the Legions under his command, a plan that would ultimately unfold into the nightmare of what Imperial scholars would later name the Istvaan III Atrocity. However, this attempt failed, and shortly thereafter, Kharn became the first World Eaters Legionary to be successfully imbued with the Butcher's Nails. This process soon repeated itself again and again, with the IXth being cast into a hellish warzone only to emerge as they had before. It was a testament to the durability imparted to the creations of the Emperor's Primarch Project that Angron had managed to survive as long as he had. The Primarch Angron leads his Worlds Eaters in the Imperial Compliance of a new world during the Great Crusade. Soon after, the newly renamed World Eaters were influenced by Angron's own thirst for battle. This void battle was a form of dirty fighting between warships, too close for the neat calculations of ranged battery fire. He first met his then-savage Revenant Legion during the Pacification of Teghar Pentarus, but shocked all assembled by first learning the name of each and every one of his warriors. Horus's mouth worked but no sound came forth. During the Horus Heresy, brother fought brother as the fallen primarchs led their Traitor Legions against their former comrades who remained loyal; Horus himself fought the Blood Angels' Primarch Sanguinius and the Emperor during the final battle of the great interstellar civil war. Soon after, the Primarch Leman Russ and his Space Wolves Legion were dispatched to Ghenna to confront Angron and his World Eaters and to halt the implantation of the deadly cortical implants. Though he lived in exile after that point, his massive build and natural ferocity saw him grow to be a legend amongst his people. The Apothecary's eyes focused on the Talon Abaddon wore on his right hand, commenting that "He will enjoy the irony of that." Clad in golden Artificer Armour and armed with wrist-mounted Angelus Bolters, they wade into battle wielding Glaives Encarmine, ancient power weapons of terrible power. Ortan Cassius, Master of Sanctity of the Ultramarines Chapter, has fashioned his Crozius Arcanum after a Tyranid head, in remembrance of the invasion of Macragge by Hive Fleet Behemoth during the First Tyrannic War. When Horus began his rebellion against the Emperor, Angron was quick to join in his treachery because of his long-lasting grudge against the Master of Mankind, but his only true master was the rage and bloodlust within him. Though the World Eaters finally received adequate heavy armour and artillery support just as they forced a breach and broke their way inside the confines of the main Ghennan city, the World Eaters once again failed to meet their Primarch's allotted time-frame of 31 solar hours to subjugate the planet and were forced to withdraw to the flagship, the Conqueror. Angron had spent much of the 10 millennia following the Horus Heresy attempting to restore some level of unity amongst the divided warbands of what had once been his XIIth Legion of Space Marines. [4a] Throughout the Great Crusade, the Blood Angels became renowned for its 'wars of ultimatum'. Abaddon led them, killing with his sword and the double-barrelled Storm Bolter mounted on the Talon's bulk. With his father's own weapon, he would destroy all hope of his rebirth. In the ashes of the city the entire Word Bearers legion gathered to be reprimanded by the Emperor, Roboute Guilliman and Malcador the Sigilite. He also remarked that they did not call the vessel the Pulchritudinous any longer, now the Emperor's Children called it the Fleshmarket. ", "Horus was weak. The Lion was nowhere to be found. Also, like its relative, the chainfist is slow and cumbersome, meaning the user will usually get hit first simply bringing it to bear, and again if he misses. Some captains suspected that it would be but a matter of time before they and their Battle-Brothers were drawn into the wars between the Traitor Legions, and so they pushed for the Sons of Horus to replace its losses by increasing the Legion's gene-seed stocks. As his deeds grew mightier and his base of power more solid, Abaddon succeeded in winning their support too. The prize he seeks is nothing less than to tear the Emperor from his Golden Throne upon Terra and, in the process, plunge the Imperium into the darkness of anarchy forever. In the end, Lord Kor Phaeron was defeated when reinforcements from Macragge drove the Word Bearers from the surface of Calth. It was a message from the Emperor's own hand. The Ghennans pleaded with the blood-maddened World Eaters to be spared, but Kharn replied disdainfully that the galaxy belonged to the Imperium and proceeded to massacre them all. For Abaddon's ambitions to bear any weight, he would have to give them victory. As the bloodshed of the 1st Black Crusade reached its frenzied heights, cities burned and worlds were stripped of people to feed the dark desires of the Traitor Legions. Imperial Fists The following is a list of all known Chapters Masters that currently command an Adeptus Astartes Chapter: The following is a list of notable Renegade Chapters Masters that currently command those Adeptus Astartes Chapters that have been declared Excommunicate Traitoris: Note: The following is a select and incomplete list of sources; for more on each Chapter Master, see each individual Chapter entry above. The destiny the Despoiler has chosen is not that of daemonhood -- though he has been offered the ultimate reward of immortality by each of the Chaos Gods, he has held back from surrendering his soul to their ultimate control. You can help Lexicanum by fixing it. [Needs Citation] Meanwhile, the Blood Angels' homeworld of Baal endured an extended Siege by traitor forces. This was a massive starship crafted through the amalgamation of Imperial technology and Chaotic sorcery that was capable of destroying entire worlds. However, the Chaplains of the Word Bearers had the same fervent desire to find objects worthy of their worship as their Primarch Lorgar and so willingly turned to the dark devotion of Chaos. The primarchs had been created for war, leadership and conquest -- they were great men intended to undertake heroic projects and a quiet life would have held little appeal for any of them. Warhammer 40k My son. By this point Lorgar had come to view Horus as weak for resisting the embrace of the Gods, and secretly planned to usurp him as Warmaster. It was said that the psychic death screams of the dying were audible to Imperial astropaths across half the sector. Loi Metalworks investigated and created what are now known as "Burning Blades," power swords that deliberately create intense heat along their blade so as to burn flesh to the bone with each strike. The Legionaries struck the enemy ship's hull. Though most of the Webway's pathways inside the Great Eye's border were worthless and shattered from Slaanesh's devastating birth-scream, for those who knew where to look, there were a rare few that were considered viable avenues through the Traitor Legions' purgatorial domain. The data concerning the original engineering of the individual primarch strands was later analyzed by a Raven Guard Apothecary and a magos genetor of the Mechanicum during the Horus Heresy. The fiery Angron refused and openly insulted his Nucerian masters. As the two Primarchs fought, Guilliman landed a glancing blow, his fist pounding across Angron's breastplate. Abaddon was done with cold allegiances and temporary alliances. At Anaxis XII, the Blood Angels, Luna Wolves, and Imperial Fists under their respective Primarch's fought against a massive Hrud migration that solidified their new status and bonds with the other top Legion's of the Great Crusade. Before long, the vicious young warrior came to the attention of the Luna Wolves Space Marine Legion, and he was recruited into their brotherhood. Sejanus, a particular favorite of Horus, had been slain shortly before the battle. Leman Russ was often considered Angron's equal in physical combat; Rogal Dorn, on the other hand, believed that he could defeat Angron easily through the use of strategy and acumen, and feared him much less as an adversary than he did Horus, who was a strategic genius.
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