View Article Google Scholar 8. Anastasi, A., & Urbina, S. (1997). These criteria parallel criteria in human psychiatry termed violation of norms, unexpectedness, disability or dysfunction, statistical infrequency, and personal distress, respectively (for discussion of these human criteria, see Davison and Neale 1998 ). . [Google Scholar] Cognitive psychology is the scientific study of mental processes such as attention, language use, memory, perception, problem solving, creativity, and reasoning.. Cognitive psychology originated in the 1960s in a break from behaviorism, which had held from the 1920s to 1950s that unobservable mental processes were outside of . Barnard Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. We have already discussed numerous approaches to treatment. N Bandura, A. Maladaptive abnormal behaviors may nevertheless indicate a failure of behavior to regulate a stressor or properly correct a homeostatic imbalance, which over time could lead to altered physiology. Most students were enrolled on social science degrees, including psychology and sociology, and age 18 or 19. See text for details. The heterozygous mouse exhibited a well-circumscribed syndrome of behavioral abnormalities, consisting primarily of a decreased fear response and an increase in defensive aggression, in the absence of any measured cognitive deficits. Alternatively, if the level of perseveration seen in stereotypic animals is abnormal, then enrichment should reduce perseveration and reduce variability in experimental outcomes. Oxford, England: Blackwell Scientific. The logic of scientific discovery. In addition, few have tested for relationships between ARB and behavioral experimental outcomes. TW Morf It is critically important to disentangle this issue of ARB in laboratory animals for the following reasons: If stereotypies and barbering are maladaptive behaviors, then (1) animals showing ARB simply express a normal extreme of brain function strangely in captivity; (2) the range of variation seen in our behavioral tests can be considered normal, and we do not need to worry about the scientific consequences of ARB. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 18, 3552. Wrbel Willner Albany: SUNY Press. DSM-IV literature reviews: Rationale, process, and limitations. In addition to new classification systems, the atmosphere regarding classification and the ensuing dialogues concerning methods, principles, and models of classification are very positive indications that we will have a better understanding of classification schemes in the future. . TW British Journal of Psychiatry, 127, 393400. B. W. (1985). Appraisal and status of DSM-III. Pravosudov Similarly, animals reared in isolation have been observed to be hyperactive ( Einon and Morgan 1978 ). Again, some high-through-put behavioral measures show poor between-laboratory replicability despite good within-laboratory reliability ( Crabbe et al. Tiefenbacher If these arguments are accurate, then indeed enrichment may yield more normal animals and thereby increase the validity of animal experiments by normalizing abnormal physiology or by preventing abnormal brain development or neurochemistry. Zigler, E., & Phillips, L. (1961). JS Accordingly, we found that stereotypy was correlated with a greater persistence of rapid responding at the point where choices indicated acquisition of the extinction task, which in turn indicated a greater knowledge-action dissociation. (1994). In so doing, behavior is intimately involved in homeostasis. Download preview PDF. GJ Sherwin (1987). . MJ SOURCES A search on SciELO, PubMed and Google Scholar was performed using the . Aim and Scope. CrossRef Baumans These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. However, disruption to these systems also affects many other aspects of behavior. (1994). . Rutter, M., & Shaffer, D. (1980). BC Fleck, S. (1983). . Abnormal psychology. Journal of abnormal psychology. Abnormal behavior therefore serves as a marker of abnormal physiology. CrossRef [Google Scholar] Beune, K., Giebels, E., & Taylor, P.J. Normal behavior plays a key role in facilitating homeostasis, especially by allowing the animal to control and modify its environment. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Lerche Davies, (1970). 4458). JJ Handbook of behavioral assessment. In both cases, perseveration and switching are consequences of a failure to inhibit behavior. American Psychiatric Association. New York: Wiley. . First Responders Guide to Abnormal Psychology pp 1318Cite as, 3 (1982). Szuba Lipp The goal selection system is involved in suppressing such automatic movements in particular circumstances (e.g., a good game of poker). Google Scholar. R B. W. (1985). With the advent of DSM-III and its multiaxial system, along with the purging of psychodynamic theory from classification in favor of operational definitions, we now have a much improved classification scheme. Note that none of the animals show any abnormal behavior. American Journal of Psychiatry, 156, 258272. (1968). In this instance, when a patient is asked to name the suit of each card turned face up from a deck of playing cards the patient responds correctly as each card is turned over (whereas with recurrent perseveration, the patient would have incorrectly repeated the suit named on previous cards). Toward the integration of classification theory and methods. Caplan, P. J. A common question posed to every mental health expert by the person on the street is Who is really normal? The answer to the question is very complex and one that is open to significant areas of disagreement among professionals. Vulnerability: A new view of schizophrenia. Bruner, J. W., Goodnow, J. J., & Austin, G. A. Is the behavior peculiar to a subset of individuals (e.g., barbering in mice)? Mills Chicago: Quadrangle. Washington, DC: Author. JM New York: Wiley. Tollison, C. D., & Adams, H. E. (1979). CA For example, measures of fearfulness show superficial reliability simply because the individual's environment remains constant, rather than because they are measuring a personality trait of the individual ( Miller et al. A Veenman Mason Psychological Bulletin, 87, 185190. The geometric representation of some simple structure. If seen in the wild as well as captivity, is the behavior performed in inappropriate circumstances (e.g., infanticide in mice), or performed excessively (e.g., screeching in parrots)? . New York: Science Editions. In P. Kendall & J. Title. Moberg Abnormal and Behavioural Psychology. SN CrossRef The DSMs theory neutral nosology is scientifically progressive: Response to Follette and Houts (1996). Good reliability does not imply good validity. (Eds.). Abnormal behavior is not a necessary component of the argument that enriched animals may be more physiologically normal (i.e., representative of humans or wild conspecifics) and less physiologically variable, but it provides a concrete means to dissect the problem and test the hypothesis. Their behavior may be incomprehensible to others or make others feel threatened or uncomfortable. 4156). (1965). American Psychologist, 32, 10171025. Joseph P. Garner, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Animals Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. GC . . D Psychiatrists quantify brain damage and brain function noninvasively, using neuropsychological tasks such as pencil-and-paper, card, or computer games that the subject can win only when a particular function (and hence a particular area of the brain) is intact. 2003a ). London: Hutchinson. This task has been adapted successfully for use in primates ( Dias et al. As a result, every area of the brain performs a different job, and if a particular area is damaged (i.e., physically lesioned) or dysfunctional (e.g., as a result of abnormal neurotransmission), there will be a job that the brain as a whole cannot accomplish. Although a replicable experiment does not ensure that the measures are valid, nonreplicable results may indicate poor external validity of the measures. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (3rd ed.). Disorder as harmful dysfunction: A conceptual critique of DSM-IIIRs definition of mental disorder. Childhood depression: Three basic but questionable assumptions in the Lefkowitz and Burton critique. L Schwartz C Strack, S. Lewis Dyck Tankersley 3663). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. She was recognized internationally for her work on how people regulate their feelings and emotions and how particular patterns. eisenberg theory of prosocial behavior. J In this task, the subject is presented with a choice between two options and is randomly rewarded 50% of the time. M Based on high-definition remote sensing image or GPS, the location of the center point of camera is collected., DOI: Adams, H. E., Doster, J. Although we addressed these issues using internal controls in our earlier experiments, in an effort to improve the replication of the human data, we proceeded in later experiments to modify the two choice gambling task for use with animals. Bursten 1991 ; Lewis et al. . Lariviere Clinical assessment is not just conducted in the beginning of the process of seeking help but all throughout the process. A psychologically based system of response classification. 293344). Marsden For example, when playing poker, I might bet very differently on the same hand depending on what other players have bet, on whether I am planning to bluff, and on what I know about the other players. Big trajectory data feature analysis for mobile networks is a popular big data analysis task. When we examined the latency to respond to the two choices presented in an extinction task in bank voles, we found that stereotypy was correlated with persistent rapid responding ( Garner and Mason 2002 ). Abnormal Behaviors Abnormal behavior often results when an animal is housed in an environment where it is exposed to chronic aversive stimuli, where it cannot perform behaviors normally essential to reproduction or survival in the wild, or where it cannot perform behaviors that would correct the homeostatic imbalance it is experiencing. in the field and provide online access to the researchers worldwide without any restrictions or To that end, we are investigating the effects of enrichment on stereotypy, perseveration, and experimental outcomes. For instance, some high-through-put behavioral measures are strongly affected by extraneous environmental variables (e.g., Chesler et al. Zubin, J., & Spring, B. (1998). Evolutionary psychology: The new science of mind. B. W. (1980). Randrup For each bird, we maintained a stereotypy and a perseveration score from before and after the period of aviary housing. 2004 a,b; Sarna et al. Hempel, C. G. (1965). Marrioto, M. J., & Paul, G. L. (1975). The journal is directed at scholars, practitioners and researchers who are involved in such topics of scientific research. Degerman, R. L. (1972). Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 85, 140150. Miller 1.4 The Validity, Reliability, and Replicability of Modeling Wild Animal Behavior in the Laboratory. . Sexual disorders: Theory, research, and treatment. Environmental enrichment, by definition, is the provision of biologically relevant resources or structuring to the cage that facilitate or allow highly motivated natural behaviors, particularly those that allow the animal to control its environment or homeostasis ( Olsson and Dahlborn 2002 ). Overall, J. E., & Klett, C. J. Rutter, M., Shaffer, D., & Shepherd, M. (1975). Robbins Harpur TJ, Hare RD. However, the method could not distinguish the three abnormal behaviors. 1998; 27: 5-9. Abnormal Behavior. GP The classic impulsive/compulsive behavior seen in mice is barbering (when one individual plucks similar idiosyncratic patterns of fur from its cagemates) ( Garner et al. . D Robbins H Bandura, A. JP In particular, it is currently unclear (1) whether or not the differences in brain function seen in animals performing ARB are abnormal, (2) which common behavioral paradigms are affected by ARB, and (3) whether enrichment does indeed improve the quality of behavioral data. Birley, J. L. T. (1975). Weisker American psychologist 47(3), 373388, 371472. Robins, L. L. (1966). Barnekow Martin Bayer, R., & Spitzer, R. L. (1982). The myth of mental illness: Foundations of a theory of personal conduct. EJ Diagnosis and ideal types: A contribution to psychiatric classification. 9 Executive Function and Intelligence in the Development of Antisocial Behavior. A definition of abnormal behavior is behavior which differs in pattern, frequency or context from that which is shown by most members of the species in conditions that allow a full range of behavior ( Fraser and Broom, 1990, Broom and Fraser, 2015 ). F Amphetamine-treated animals not only make perseverative choices but also fail to suppress rapid responding to stimuli when it becomes inappropriate ( Robbins 1997 ). Psychological Bulletin, 85, 716726. The first system selects and sequences individual responses on the basis of external (e.g., visual) and internal (e.g., blood sugar) stimuli that are immediately present. However, this argument against enrichment rests on the implicit assumption that animals housed under barren standardized conditions are more normal (i.e., more representative of wild conspecifics, or of humans) than enriched animals. [Google Scholar] Clark D.A, Beck A.T, Alford B.A. The psychiatric classification of behavior: A strategy of personal constraint. Other less common rodent stereotypies include somersaulting, route-tracing, and other forms of repetitive unvarying and functionless locomotion (e.g., Callard et al. PubMed . F D AJ 2022 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Violation of social norms is a definition of abnormality where a person's thinking or behavior is classified as abnormal if it violates the (unwritten) rules about what is expected or acceptable behavior in a particular social group. . Extinction learning, however, is affected by processes other than extinction. MC (2) Impulsive/compulsive behaviors involve the repetition of an inappropriate goal with variable flexible goal-directed behavior (for detailed review, see Garner 2005 ). Stereotypic behaviour affects environmental preference in bank voles, Stereotypic behaviour in wild caught and laboratory bred bank voles (, Limitations on the effectiveness of environmental improvement in reducing stereotypic behaviour in bank voles (, Genetics of mouse behavior: Interactions with laboratory environment, Dissociation in prefrontal cortex of affective and attentional shifts, Early isolation produces enduring hyperactivity in the rat, but no effect upon spontaneous alternation, Dynamic boundaries of patterned behaviour: Interaction and self-organisation, Stereotyped responding by schizophrenic-patients on a 2-choice guessing task, Perseveration and stereotypySystems-level insights from clinical psychology, Stereotypic Animal Behaviour: Fundamentals and Applications to Welfare, Social and husbandry factors affecting the prevalence and severity of barbering ("whisker trimming") in laboratory mice, Evidence for a relationship between cage stereotypies and behavioural disinhibition in laboratory rodents, Stereotypic route-tracing in experimentally-caged songbirds correlates with general behavioural disinhibition, Stereotypies in caged parrots, schizophrenia and autism: Evidence for a common mechanism, Barbering (whisker trimming) in laboratory mice involves the same brain systems as compulsive behaviors in trichotillomania, autism and other obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders, Proceedings of the 37th International Congress of The International Society for Applied Ethology, Abano Terme, Fondazione Iniziative Zooprofilattiche e Zootecniche, Barbering (fur and whisker trimming) by laboratory mice as a model of human trichotillomania and obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders, Behavioral rigidity and rule-learning deficits following isolation-rearing in the ratNeurochemical correlates, From house mouse to mouse house: The behavioural biology of free-living, Long-term effects of early social isolation in, A reevaluation of the logic of pilferage effects, predation risk, and environmental variability on avian energy regulation: The critical role of time budgets. However, because malfunctional behaviors may involve more permanent developmental changes in the brain, enrichment may have less effect on these behaviors once they have developed (which appears to be the case for many stereotypies; e.g., Cooper et al. Nicol To understand the issue more clearly, let us first consider the concept of normality and abnormality in the area of physical health and disease. Cantor, N., Smith, E. E., French, R. D., & Mezzich, J. Meehan Whatever happened to interpersonal diagnosis? The types of behavior that occurred include impulsive aggression, arson, attempted rape, and exhibitionism. Capitanio 1990 ; Wrbel 2001 ). A vector model of disease for teaching and diagnosis. If, however, ARBs are malfunctional, then (1) ARB is the product of abnormal extremes of brain function; (2) this abnormal brain function is a major source of excessive and uncontrolled variation, and we really do need to worry about scientific consequences. Reiner In contrast, the goal selection system is distributed across the prefrontal corticostriatal loop, a series of brain areas. Widiger, T. A., Trull, T. J., Clarkin, J. F., Sanderson, C., & Costa, P. J. A Behav Brain Res 136:8392. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in Perseveration involves a failure of behavioral control, not of cognition, will, or knowledge. Marashi Laing, R. D. (1960). Chesler The identification of abnormal behaviour and behavioural problems in stabled horses and their relationship to horse welfare: a comparative review. 2000 ), or from itself if singly housed ( Garner et al. Meyer-Holzapfel Original from. Despite the wide literature on the effects of enrichment on the mean outcome of various measures, few studies have tested specifically for effects on the variability of these measures (though see, e.g., Augustsson et al. . Unlike a stereotypy, each episode of plucking behavior is flexible and goal directed ( Sarna et al. Springer, Boston, MA. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ), The classification of behavior disorders (pp. Part of Springer Nature. O We found stereotypy in parrots similarly correlated with perseveration and inappropriate rapid responding ( Garner et al. EO Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 19, 371394. These predictions have been met in autism by correlating the severity of a patient's ARB with his or her performance on neuropsychological tasks that measure perseveration ( Turner 1997 ). Westen, D., & Shedler, J. American Journal of Psychiatry, 139, 577583. Department of Psychology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, 30602-3013, Henry E. Adams,Kristen A. Luscher&Jeffrey A. Bernat, You can also search for this author in DM Carson, R. C. (1996). (1980). Search across a wide variety of disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions. Scientific foundations of cognitive theory and therapy of depression. Neale For instance, although toys and abstract stimulation may be biologically relevant for primates, the same stimulation is not necessarily appropriate for mice ( Olsson and Dahlborn 2002 ). Owen 2004 a,b, unpublished data). Mervis, C., & Rosch, E. (1981). Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 56, 391397. Only a few individuals are within the normal range, hence, any experiment performed with this population will have poor validity. CM Nitsch Springer; 2015. The latter is expected to occur as the literature base expands, and perhaps future systems will be revolutionary not so much for their changes but for their demonstrations of the validity of earlier schemata. 2003c ). If the level of perseveration observed in stereotypic animals is in fact normal, then enrichments that reduce stereotypy should not affect perseveration and should not reduce variability in experimental outcomes. American Psychiatric Association. T Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 21, 601663. BA Medina P Garner A holistic approach to family typology and the axes of DSM-III. Nicol In the foregoing text, the following arguments have been discussed: (1) Abnormal behaviors may be a marker of abnormal physiology; (2) this abnormal physiology may compromise the validity of animal experiments, and may add variation that causes poor reliability and replicability; and (3) the physiology of barren-housed animals cannot be considered normal simply because enrichment changes physiology, and, as a consequence, enrichments may prevent some abnormal behaviors by preventing abnormal physiology. 2004b ). Bennett MH New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. is inappropriately repeated while flexible goal-directed responses remain intact. On being sane in insane places, Science, 179, 250258. Different answers to this central question almost certainly depend on the species, time in captivity, severity and type of stressor to which the animal is exposed, and type of stereotypy. 2000 ; Cooper and Nicol 1991 ; Nevison et al. Emeritus Professor, Department of Psycholog University of California, USA, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 33, 742-746, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 187, 613-618, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 127, 626-630, Abnorm Behav Psychol 2 (115), 2472-0496.1000115, AP Trevizol, P Shiozawa, IA Sato, P Sachdev, S Sarkhel, I Cook, Abnormal and Behavioural Psychology 2 (1), 2472-0496.1000110, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 190, 309-313. 2003a ), and mice (unpublished data), we have identified more complex curvilinear relationships between these variables. DS Hodges Broman, C. L. (1996). Thus, in summary, ARB in animals appears to involve the same neuropsychological mechanisms as ARB in humans. 1992 ). Psychological Reports, 3, 635694. Client-centered therapy. Medical Hypothesis, 1, 1222. Annual Review of Psychology, 32, 89115. 2003a ). . The disinhibition of behavior that leads to high rates of behavioral switching in amphetamine-treated animals also induces hyperactivity ( Lyon and Robbins 1975 ). Elliott, C. (1996). P Two kinds of motor perseveration in massive injury of the frontal lobes, The action of central nervous system stimulant drugs: A general theory concerning amphetamine effects, Effects of environmental enrichment on males of a docile inbred strain of mice, Social deprivation of infant rhesus monkeys alters the chemoarchitecture of the brain: I. Subcortical regions, Measuring Behaviour: An Introductory Guide. 123-135. Chicago: Aldine. Jian-hao and Li [ 9] proposed a method to identify abnormal behavior, such as robbery, fighting and chasing, in surveillance videos. Bandura, A., & Ross, S. A. Maladaptive behaviors reflect a normal animal in an abnormal environment: The animal is simply responding as well as it can with functionally intact behavioral mechanisms to the captive environment; the perversities of its behavior reflect those of the environment. 1996 ). Kendell, R. E. (1983). JC ), Multidimensional scaling (Vol. Psychological testing (7th ed.). Commentary. MR Download preview PDF. ), International perspectives on DSM-III (pp. American Psychiatric Association. pp. MD Dahlborn Klerman, G. L., Vaillant, G. E., Spitzer, R. L., & Mechels, R. (1984). Standard lists of threefold for mental disorders. JP Nonetheless, there is still room for improvement within that system, including a more open-minded evaluation of the feasibility of the medical model, as opposed to a classification system based on classification theory and models, and more empirically based decision making. Attneave Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (3rd ed., rev.). 2004 ). Schwartz, A. S., & Wiggins, O. P. (1987). AH - Psychological Medicine, 9, 125137. . Barbering is less ubiquitous across mouse strains. Leipoldt Therefore, far from introducing another source of variability into experiments, enrichment could instead (1) help address the potential effects of abnormal behavior on experimental outcomes, (2) reduce variability, and (3) improve validity. Objective tests as instruments of psychological theory. JJ Thus, perseverative human patients often report that they select incorrect perseverative responses despite knowing what the correct response should be and trying to make it (e.g., Luria 1965 ; Turner 1997 )the phenomenon termed knowledge-action dissociation. We examined the disparity between choices and timing of choicesboth of which are indicators of knowledge of a learning task ( Olton 1972 )to learn whether perseverative bank voles showed evidence of extinction task knowledge. Revising and assessing Axis II (Part 2): Developing a clinically and empirically valid assessment method. CJ (1987). . American Journal of Psychiatry, 156, 273285. Norman CA . A historical review of classification of behavior disorders and one current perspective. 2022 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Garner Garner Trans mission of aggression through imitation of aggressive models. American Journal of Psychiatry, 141, 539553. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Therefore, captive environments may affect the following aspects of an experiment: validity, by introducing abnormal animals into experiments; reliability, by increasing interindividual variation through the introduction of such individuals; and replicability, by altering the number and type of such individuals between laboratories. A social learning interpretation of psychological dysfunctions. Robbins In M. Hersen & A. E. Bellack (Eds. Hebb, D. O. (1999b). 1998 ), and it would explain (1) why animals persist in performing ARB despite self-injury or other deleterious consequences ( Garner and Mason 2002 ); and (2) why some animal ARBs show remarkable epidemiological and phenomenological similarities to corresponding human disorders (e.g., barbering in mice; Garner et al. Using this simple paradigm, we demonstrated that stereotypies are indeed correlated with recurrent perseveration (and hence basal ganglia motor system function) in bank voles ( Garner and Mason 2002 ), blue tits, and marsh tits ( Garner et al. Butcher (Eds. Coping with personal problems. Recurrent perseveration can be quantified using a task called the two choice gambling task, and stuck-in-set perseveration can be quantified using one of several set-shifting tasks ( Frith and Done 1983 ; Owen et al. The involvement of executive (i.e., behavioral control) mechanisms in animal ARB is a particularly attractive hypothesis because the brain areas involved are highly conserved in vertebrates ( Reiner et al.
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