You can use the results from one fuel analysis for multiple boilers and process heaters provided they are all burning the same fuel type. But she made no effort to tackle him again. Then she squinted at Luke. Yes. 21, 2011, as amended at 78 FR 7166, Jan. 31, 2013]. Steinbach mit Wasserhaus Lagerhaus-Halbrelief Halbportalkran Lagerhalle Bauernhof Bahnsteig Blechtrgerbrcke Erweiterung Blechtrgerbrcke Schlosserei Bekohlung Getreidespeicher Eckhaus Schmidtstrae 10 Bahnhof Deinste 40 10 10 25 22 33 28 20 20 19 88 48 50 50 45 42 6 12 37 40 83 29 75 87 86 25 33 14 15 85 12 45 48 48 86 6 11 73 22 39 22 17 80 80 83 9 8 40 29 20 85 23 80 41 67 67 68 68 69 29 26 28 74 27 38 81 74 15 84 84 23 28 11 38 14 34 69 10 88 78 98 99 103 87 108 89 49 25 47/209 100 101 9 103 7 37/105 28/104 103 82 16 46 47 109 32 36 66 13 11 449 11 450 11 451 11 452 11 453 11 454 11 455 11 456 11 457 11 458 11 459 11 460 11 461 11 462 11 463 11 464 11 465 11 466 11 467 11 468 Bahnhof Norgens Wohnhaus August-Hagen-Str. (i) For an existing EGU that becomes subject after January 31, 2016, you must demonstrate compliance within 180 days after becoming an affected source. He got to have three friends over.\" Mother had said, \"Ssh,\" and looked from Mark to Luke, saying something with her eyes that Luke didn't understand. He snuggled tighter against Mother, hoping he was wrong. His chair wasn't even in the kitchen anymore. If an oxygen trim system is utilized on a unit without emission standards to reduce the tune-up frequency to once every 5 years, set the oxygen level no lower than the oxygen concentration measured during the most recent tune-up. For parameters other than CO, 30-day rolling average means either the arithmetic mean of all valid hours of data from 30 successive operating days or the arithmetic mean of the previous 720 hours of valid operating data. EISiactual = Energy Input Savings for each energy conservation measure, i, implemented for an affected boiler, million Btu per year. The first monthly period begins on the compliance date specified in 63.7495. How could she do something like that for him, when they'd just met? The wind blew the blinds back a couple times. His sanctuary. (c) Fluidized bed units designed to burn coal/solid fossil fuel. \"Yeah, I've heard that one. 5/7 12 272 Bungalows 12 339 Zeitungskiosk mit Telefonzelle 12 340 Garagen 12 341 Stadttor 12 342 12 343 Wohnhaus Bahnhofstrae 1 Reparaturwerkstatt 12 344 Wohnhuser Bahnhofstrae 5/7 12 345 Wohnhuser Bahnhofstrae 9/11 12 346 Wohnhaus mit Laden 12 347 Hotel Brgerhaus 12 348 Blumenkiosk 12 349 Historisches Rathaus 12 350 12 351 Grtnerei Gebudebaustze aus Kunststoff TT 13 219 13 220 13 221 13 231 13 233 13 234 13 243 13 271 13 272 13 274 13 275 13 276 13 277 13 279 13 280 13 281 13 282 13 286 13 287 13 288 13 289 Gterschuppen Bhf. UberBLACK), Light The backseat of our car is hollowed outDad had it custom-built.\" \"You went out\" Luke repeated in awe. Luck.\" Jen nodded. Luke wondered if he should run back to his house immediately, before the Population Police really did show up. Can I trust you?\" \"Of course you can,\" Luke said. (a) You must submit each report in Table 9 to this subpart that applies to you. Resolutely, Luke stuck his fork in the pile of scrambled eggs on his plate and took a bite. They looked lopsided and pathetic in the center of the table. Note: Facilities may also request extensions of compliance for the installation of combined heat and power, waste heat recovery, or gas pipeline or fuel feeding infrastructure as a means of complying with this subpart. Unit designed to burn gas 1 subcategory includes any boiler or process heater that burns only natural gas, refinery gas, and/or other gas 1 fuels. Fensterscheiben, Oberlichtfenster Bastelset fr Wohngebude Bastelset fr Industriegebude Brckenpfeiler Stahltragwerkselemente Mauerabdecksteine Steinmauerplatten Dachzubehr Fahrbahnen, Gelnder Gleiseinlagen Stahltragwerkselemente Dachrinnen, Fallrohre Verschiedene Treppen Fenster, Fenstergewnde, Tren Fenster, Fenstergewnde, Tren Firstleisten, Abschlussleisten Sprossenfenster, Tren Fenster und Gewnde fr Wohngebude Fenster fr Industriegebude Fenster und Tren fr Wohngebude Fenster und Tren frIndustriegebude Laufbohlen, Abdeckungen Abschlusssteine Brckenpfeiler oval Dekorpappen 50 101 50 102 50 103 50 104 50 105 50 110 50 111 50 113 50 115 50 116 50 501 50 502 50 503 50 504 50 505 50 510 50 511 50 513 50 515 50 516 5 regelmiges Mauerwerk 5 unregelmiges Mauerwerk 5 Bruchsteinmauer 5 Ziegelmauer rot 5 Straenpflaster 5 Ziegelmauer ocker 5 Straenpflaster klein 3 Asphalt 5 Kalksteinmauer 5 Kalksteinmauer klein 1 regelmiges Mauerwerk 1 unregelmiges Mauerwerk 1 Bruchsteinmauer 1 Ziegelmauer rot 1 Straenpflaster 1 Ziegelmauer ocker 1 Straenpflaster klein 1 Asphalt 1 Kalksteinmauer 1 Kalksteinmauer klein Dekorplatten aus Kunststoff 52 210 52 211 52 212 52 213 52 214 52 215 52 216 52 217 52 218 52 219 52 220 52 221 52 222 52 223 52 224 52 225 2 Bruchsteinplatten klein grau 2 Mauerplatten geputzt wei 2 Mauerziegelplatten rot 2 Mauerziegelplatten gelb 2 Dachplatten Schiefer blau 2 Dachplatten Zementfaser grau 2 Dachplatten Biberschwanz rot 2 Dachplatten Teerpappe anthrazit 2 Bretterwandplatten holzfarbig 2 Bretterwandplatten grn 2 Bretterwandplatten braun 2 Marktplatten grau 2 Marktplatten rotbraun 2 Fusteigplatten grau 2 Fusteigplatten rotbraun 2 Dachpfannenplatten rotbraun 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 275 286 286 286 283 174/275 283 283 286 289 44 174/275 284 288 287 287 287 286 288 286 287 287 289 283 46/283 276 276 276 276 277 276 276 277 276 276 276 276 276 276 277 276 276 277 276 276 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279, 52 226 52 227 52 228 52 229 52 230 52 231 52 232 52 233 52 234 52 235 52 236 52 237 52 238 52 239 52 240 52 241 52 242 52 243 52 244 52 245 52 401 52 408 52 409 52 410 52 411 52 412 52 413 52 414 52 415 52 416 52 417 52 418 52 419 52 420 52 421 52 422 52 423 52 424 52 425 52 426 52 427 52 428 52 429 52 430 52 431 52 432 52 433 52 434 52 435 52 436 52 437 52 438 52 439 52 440 52 441 52 442 52 443 52 444 52 445 Kleber 53 508 53 510 53 513 53 514 53 516 53 517 53 521 2 Dachpfannenplatten dunkelgrau 2 Natursteinplatten grau 2 Dekorplatten Holzschindeln 2 Holzstrukturplatten 2 Dekorplatten Wellblech rotbraun 2 Dekorplatten Wellblech grau 2 Dekorplatten Trapezblech rotbraun 2 Dekorplatten Trapezblech grau 2 Sichtbetonplatten 2 Blechdachplatten 2 Pflastersteinplatten gerade 4 Natursteinmauerplatten klein 2 Gehwegplatten klein 2 Bretterwandplatten Stlpschalung 2 Pflastersteinplatten gerade klein 2 Mauerplatte geputzt gelb 2 Mauerplatte geputzt grau 2 Biberschwanz Doppeldeckung 2 Biberschwanz Kronendeckung 2 Terrpappdach Display Dekorpappen/-platten 1 Betonverbundpflasterplatte 1 Pflastersteinplatte 1 Bruchsteinplatte klein grau 1 Mauerplatte geputzt wei 1 Mauerziegelplatte rot 1 Mauerziegelplatte gelb 1 Dachplatte Schiefer blau 1 Dachplatte Zementfaser grau 1 Dachplatte Biberschwanz rot 1 Dachplatte Teerpappe anthrazit 1 Bretterwandplatte holzfarbig 1 Bretterwandplatte grn 1 Bretterwandplatte braun 1 Marktplatte grau 1 Marktplatte rotbraun 1 Fusteigplatte grau 1 Fusteigplatte rotbraun 1 Dachpfannenplatte rotbraun 1 Dachpfannenplatte dunkelgrau 1 Natursteinplatte grau 1 Dachplatte Holzschindeln 1 Holzstrukturplatte 1 Wellblechplatte rotbraun 1 Wellblechplatte grau 1 Trapezblechplatte rotbraun 1 Trapezblechplatte grau 1 Sichtbetonplatte 1 Blechdachplatte 1 Pflastersteinplatte gerade 1 Natursteinmauerplatte klein 1 Gehwegplatte klein 1 Bretterwand Stlpschalung 1 Pflastersteine gerade, klein 1 Mauerplatte geputzt gelb 1 Mauerplatte geputzt grau 1 Biberschwanz Doppeldeckung 1 Biberschwanz Kronendeckung 2 Teerpappdach Pipetten Schotterkleber Sekundenkleber UHU Alleskleber UHU Sprhkleber UHU Plast Weileim farblos Kleinstglhlampen mit Stecksockel 54 720 54 730 54 735 54 736 54 737 54 738 54 739 MS 4 4 V klar MS 4 12 V klar MS 4 16 V klar MS 4 16 V rot MS 4 16 V grn MS 4 16 V gelb MS 4 16 V opal Kleinstglhlampen mit Schraubsockel (Zylinder) 55 750 55 751 55 752 55 753 55 754 E 5,5 16 V klar E 5,5 16 V rot E 5,5 16 V grn E 5,5 16 V gelb E 5,5 16 V opal Kleinstglhlampen mit Schraubsockel (Kugel) 56 760 56 765 56 770 56 771 56 775 56 780 56 781 56 782 56 783 56 784 E 5,5 3,5 V klar E 5,5 4 V klar E 5,5 6 V klar E 5,5 12 V klar E 5,5 16 V klar E 5,5 19 V klar E 5,5 19 V rot E 5,5 19 V grn E 5,5 19 V gelb E 5,5 19 V opal Fassungen, Litze, Mikroglhlampen 58 790 58 791 58 792 58 793 Liliputfassung mit Steg Kunststoffsockel Fassung Mikroglhlampen 279 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 281 283 281 282 281 282 282 281 281 281 277 281 281 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 281 283 281 282 281 282 282 281 281 281 317 317 316 316 316 316 316 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 314 314 314 315 58 800 58 801 58 802 58 803 58 804 58 805 Litze blau Litze rot Litze grn Litze gelb Litze wei Litze braun Streumaterial 60 820 60 821 60 822 60 823 60 824 60 825 60 901 Streumaterial hellgrn Streumaterial dunkelgrn Streumaterial Wiese hellgrn Streumaterial Wiese dunkelgrn Streumaterial hellbraun Streumaterial dunkelbraun Natursand Granit-Gleisschotter H0 61 829 grau in Flasche beigebraun in Flasche 61 830 61 831 erdbraun in Flasche Gleisschotter N / TT 63 833 63 834 63 835 grau in Flasche beigebraun in Flasche erdbraun in Flasche Bume 70 935 70 936 70 937 70 938 70 939 70 940 70 950 70 951 71 938 71 941 Laubbume hellgrn 7 cm Laubbume dunkelgrn 7 cm Laubbume hellgrn 11 cm Laubbume dunkelgrn 11 cm Laubbume hellgrn 15 cm Laubbume dunkelgrn 15 cm Junge Bume Junge Bume Winter Tannen unbeflockt Bausatz Kiefern Bausatz Gelndematten 75 111 75 112 75 113 75 114 75 115 75 116 75 117 75 212 75 213 75 218 75 511 75 512 75 513 75 514 75 515 75 516 75 517 1 Kornfeldmatte gefaltet 1 Wiesenmatte dunkel gefaltet 1 Wiesenmatte hell gefaltet 1 Waldbodenmatte gefaltet 1 Heidematte gefaltet 1 Sommerwiesenmatte gefaltet 1 Herbstwiesenmatte gefaltet 1 Wiesenmatte hellgrn 1 Wiesenmatte dunkelgrn 1 Schottermatte 1 Kornfeldmatte lose 1 Wiesenmatte dunkel lose 1 Wiesenmatte hell lose 1 Waldbodenmatte lose 1 Heidematte lose 1 Sommerwiesenmatte lose 1 Herbstwiesenmatte lose Grasfasern 75 592 75 593 75 594 75 600 75 601 75 602 75 609 75 610 75 611 75 612 75 613 75 614 75 615 Grasfasern Wiese hell 2 mm Grasfasern Waldboden 2 mm Grasfasern Wiese dunkel 2 mm Grasfasern hellgrn 2,5 mm Grasfasern mittelgrn 2,5 mm Grasfasern dunkelgrn 2,5 mm Grasfasenr Wintergras 2,5 mm Grasfasern hellgrn 6 mm Grasfasern mittelgrn 6 mm Grasfasern dunkelgrn 6 mm Grasfasern hellgrn 4,5 mm Grasfasern oliv 4,5 mm Grasfasern dunkelgrn 4,5 mm Schaumflocken und -matten 76 652 76 653 76 654 76 655 76 656 76 657 76 658 76 659 76 660 76 661 76 662 76 663 76 664 76 665 76 666 76 667 76 668 76 669 76 670 76 931 76 932 76 933 76 934 76 935 76 936 76 937 76 938 dunkelgrn fein dunkelgrn mittel dunkelgrn grob laubgrn fein laubgrn mittel laubgrn grob hellgrn fein hellgrn mittel hellgrn grob maigrn fein maigrn mittel maigrn grob erdbraun fein sandfarbig fein Rollrasen hellgrn Rollrasen maigrn Rollrasen mit Maiblumen Rollrasen laubgrn Rollrasen dunkelgrn Blumenmatte violett Blumenmatte rot Blumenmatte wei Sommerblumen Mohnblumen Kornblumen Frhlingsblumen oliv fein 314 314 314 314 314 314 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 55 55 55 212/254 212/254 212/254 298 298 298 298 298 298 90/299 299 299 301 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 305 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 303 303 303 303 303 Sonstiges zur Landschaftsgestaltung 76 951 76 964 76 975 76 976 76 977 76 979 76 980 76 981 76 982 Seefolie mit Wasserflche Hecken dunkelgrn Moosschaum maigrn mittel Moosschaum hellgrn mittel Moosschaum laubgrn mittel Moosschaum maigrn fein Moosschaum hellgrn fein Moosschaum laubgrn fein Moosschaum dunkelgrn fein Wintergestaltung 77 032 77 033 Schneepulver mit Glitter Winterzauber 306 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 317 317 Zubehr zur Landschaftsgestaltung 78 101 78 102 78 103 78 104 78 105 78 106 78 107 78 201 78 300 78 301 78 302 78 500 78 501 272 1 Fl. [78 FR 7183, Jan. 31, 2013, as amended at 80 FR 72814, Nov. 20, 2015]. (4) Calculate the arithmetic 30-day rolling average of all of the hourly average PM CPMS output data collected during all boiler or process heater operating hours (milliamps). Unit designed to burn heavy liquid subcategory means a unit in the unit designed to burn liquid subcategory where at least 10 percent of the heat input from liquid fuels on an annual heat input basis comes from heavy liquids. (a) You must conduct all performance tests according to 63.7(c), (d), (f), and (h). (ii) The request shall provide information to document that the PM control device is adequately designed and sized to meet the applicable PM emission limit. You will use the PM CPMS to demonstrate continuous compliance with this operating limit. Stoker/sloped grate/other unit designed to burn wet biomass means the unit is in the units designed to burn biomass/bio-based solid subcategory that is either a stoker, sloped grate, or other combustor design and any of the biomass/bio-based solid fuel combusted in the unit exceeds 20 percent moisture on an annual heat input basis. Just thinking about it made his stomach feel funny. I'd love it if you could do this every day. His parents had told him the Government could trace calls, could tell if a voice on a phone was from a person who was allowed to exist or not. \"Who will\" He wanted to say, Who will stay with me? [76 FR 15664, Mar. There's not a soul around to see you. (2) Conduct a performance evaluation of the bag leak detection system in accordance with your monitoring plan and consistent with the guidance provided in EPA-454/R-98-015 (incorporated by reference, see 63.14). \"You can't miss it.\" He wasn't allowed to turn that on, either, but he didn't dare say \"not allowed\" again. (viii) A statement indicating that you burned no new types of fuel in an individual boiler or process heater subject to an emission limit. Boilers and process heaters in the units designed to burn gas 1 fuels subcategory are not subject to the emission limits in Tables 1 and 2 or 11 through 13 to this subpart, or the operating limits in Table 4 to this subpart. Sometimes they pulled into a driveway and went into one of the houses, usually trailing a woman who appeared to be talking nonstop. (6) Collect CEMS hourly averages for all operating hours on a 30-day rolling average basis. 12/6/11 Haddix, Margaret Peterson - Among The Hidden parents would never buy. We continue to be a student-focused district that is highly regarded for thecompetence and character of our students and the excellence of our staff, programs,and learning environment. If you do not burn multiple fuel types during the performance test, it is not necessary to determine the value of this term. (ii) Each composite sample will consist of a minimum of three samples collected at approximately equal one-hour intervals during the testing period for sampling during performance stack testing. He'd really done it. He felt he had to help her. He'd be safe there. He thought about returning hometrudging up the worn stairs, going back to his familiar room and the walls he stared at every day. (ix) The operating limit for boilers or process heaters that demonstrate continuous compliance with the HCl emission limit using a SO2 CEMS is to install and operate the SO2 according to the requirements in 63.7525(m) establish a maximum SO2 emission rate equal to the highest hourly average SO2 measurement during the most recent three-run performance test for HCl. The door didn't budge. (4) Request for alternatives to relative accuracy test for CEMS as required in 63.8(f)(6)(i). They did things to women after they had their second baby, so they wouldn't have any more. Startup begins with either the first-ever firing of fuel in a boiler or process heater for the purpose of supplying useful thermal energy (such as steam or heat) for heating, cooling or process purposes, or producing electricity, or the firing of fuel in a boiler or process heater for any purpose after a shutdown event. Before the woods came down, the three of them often had played kickball or football or spud in the backyard, after school and chores. The view was not of the backyardit was too close but of the former woods. By the time he recovered and righted himself, the face was gone. (i) To determine continuous compliance, you must record the PM CPMS output data for all periods when the process is operating and the PM CPMS is not out-of-control. Matthew, look up 'reciprocity. Electric utility steam generating unit (EGU) means a fossil fuel-fired combustion unit of more than 25 megawatts electric (MWe) that serves a generator that produces electricity for sale. This requirement to develop and submit a site specific monitoring plan does not apply to affected sources with existing CEMS or COMS operated according to the performance specifications under appendix B to part 60 of this chapter and that meet the requirements of 63.7525. Clean the pH probe at least once each process operating day. \"So if I didn't eat, my food would go to someone who was legal,\" Luke said. He ate his crackers alone. You must complete an initial tune-up by following the procedures described in 63.7540(a)(10)(i) through (vi) no later than 30 days after the re-start of the affected source and, if applicable, complete the one-time energy assessment specified in Table 3 to this subpart, no later than the compliance date specified in 63.7495. \"You ain't getting that wish,\" Mark said. (C) If the average of your three PM compliance test runs is at or above 75 percent of your PM emission limit you must determine your 30-day rolling average operating limit by averaging the PM CPMS milliamp output corresponding to your three PM performance test runs that demonstrate compliance with the emission limit using equation 13 and you must submit all compliance test and PM CPMS data according to the reporting requirements in paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(F) of this section. 3 ton, suvarnabhumi airport duty free liquor prices, how to make wind chimes from recycled materials, uc psychiatric emergency services phone number. It's just that Mom and Dad will know, and when they see I don't have any cuts\" And then, before Luke even knew what she was doing, she thrust her hand toward the torn part of the screen. (b) Stokers designed to burn coal/solid fossil fuel. It was strange he should hate the new houses for replacing his woods and forcing him to stay indoors. But he had to, because if he told, they'd forbid him to go back. (5) Use a bag leak detection system equipped with a system that will alert plant operating personnel when an increase in relative PM emissions over a preset level is detected. Eli = Appropriate emission limit from Table 2 to this subpart for unit i, in units of lb/MMBtu or ppm. Collecting the PM CPMS output data according to, b. used to provide basic service ride-sourcing, ride-hailing or She was showing off the bread the way she used to tape up the crooked drawings Matthew and Mark brought home from school when they were little. Some families were eating, like his. He left the light on for fifteen whole minutes, terrified the whole time that someone besides Jen might see it. Stared at every day the walls he stared at every day ) Stokers designed burn. To tackle him again multiple boilers and process heaters provided they are all burning the same fuel.... 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