When I started my long-term travels, I definitely had plans to hit up Southeast Asia, but I never realized Id end up living there just a few months in! Are you ready to get out of your comfort zone? Would you like to buy a one way ticket somewhere and experience the digital nomad lifestyle? Have you ever considered long term travel? This guide covers everything you need to know about teaching English online: my experiences, what , The Complete Guide to Teach English Online with 37 Online Teaching schools and Platforms Read More , How to find free accommodation as a traveler? Trusted housesitters is a reputable platform for finding house and pet sitting opportunities. Once you have a rough plan in mind, be sure to check JustFly to compare different airlines prices and remember: sometimes the 20-hour layover will save you more than half of your monthly budget so dont be afraid of sleeping in airports! There are also tips to cut costs when visiting a destination. During your health check, make a trip to the dentist and to the gynecologist for general check ups so you are all set and dont have to do it for the duration of your trip. How I managed to cram that into the spaceof two months is beyond me. It's Time for Your Weigh-In. Watch Out for the "What Ifs". as well as other over the counter analgesics and anti-diarrhea medication. Pack the essentials only, keeping in mind that if you forget something, youll definitely be able to buy it while traveling. It's important to set out with at least a loose plan. Journey Wonders 2021. I love traveling and have been spending half of the year, or even longer, away from home for more than 15 years, says our Co-Founder Mar, but when I took a sabbatical to travel for 2 months straight, I noticed that this was the perfect length of time for me to be on the road without coming home. Youre gonna do laundry anyways, so bring enough clothes for 10 or so days. All Rights Reserved. This deeper understanding you will get from experiencing new environments, people and culture will no doubt help you grow as a person, and is one of the most important benefits that travel has on people. Super useful when youre arriving in a new country and dont have a sim card yet! Taking time off to travel gives you a chance to enhance your personal growth, discover more about who you are, and learn to trust yourself more. My new passion is walking/hiking trails throughout the world. Not only will it spare you from having to spend a huge chunk of your budget on buying purified water bottles, but it will also make your long-term travels more environmentally-friendly! How exciting! Atacama desert, Bolivia Step 1: Find your opportunity The biggest obstacle for many people is to actually find the time to travel. If you need to travel during the high season, allow for a longer period to time at each stop to manage costs down and be able to enjoy places that may be crowded and harder to explore. But dont rely on WiFi, make sure to buy a local SIM card as soon as you arrive somewhere. Long term travel can disconnect you from your life back home and cause you to miss out on important moments of your family and friends. Spend 90 days within the zone and then 90 days outside in countries such as Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Ireland, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine, The UK so your counter resets. Long term travel will test you. Your friends back home will continue living their lives while youre off seeing the world. Originally published: December 2017 I really enjoyed your article/pin, especially the last tip: know that long term travel will ruin your life. Don't forget your noise-canceling headphones for those days/nights when you cannot handle another raucous neighbor (or your family) and you need to get some work done. Renew your driver's license and credit cards. Housesitting is a great way to get free accommodation and live like a local at a destination. Or wait to start your long term travels until you can save enough. Check that you have at least 4 empty pages. Please share with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. But enough money doesn't have to be a six-digit saving. This printable long term travel checklist & packing list will guide you through the process - plus, we'll send you plenty of tips to help you plan (& soothe your anxiety.) That taxi you had to take instead of the bus to avoid being late to an appointment, that extra drink at a fancy bar you regretted drinking the next day, a daily latte or two from your favorite coffee shop, an extra shot of hazelnut syrup, a weekly splurge on an accessory, the magazines and newspapers you get for free at the office but still buy to read at home, etc. A traveler may not care too much if the internet is fast or if a place is quiet while someone staying longer term may be more concerned about that and about enjoying it like a home not a place to sleep after a day out and about exploring. How to find cheap flights: My magic trick to find cheap airfare wherever I, The Beginners Guide to Camping in the Winter, Innovative Ideas To Create Your Travel Memories Last Forever. Her writing is inspired by her passion to travel to new destinations and inspire others to get out of their comfort zones and explore the beauty of this world - whether they travel around the world or in their own countries. A Starbucks latte costs the equivalent of a hostel night in Thailand and a fancy meal in the city could be the cost of a diving day trip in Fiji. In springtime and autumn, you could be enjoying the beachtime in Barcelona or the snow in Iceland. that follow you on your travels. This is how you can plan well for the journey. In both cases, packing smart and only bringing the essentials is a good idea, both to minimize what you carry, to save on check in luggage fees and to be more mobile. Locals and fellow travelers are a great source of information. Above all, traveling solo for a long time is about having time alone and getting to know yourself better. If your luggage is small enough, you can just bring it on the plane for free! And if staying at hostels with shared dorms, a lock is essential. And why did I decide to adopt this particular , Why I decided to leave the grind and become a nomad Read More . My itinerary involved moving to a new city in Spain every day, taking a two-day side trip to Chefchouen, busing it over to the French Riviera, seeing as much as I could in Italy, going to Budapest, meeting up with a friend in Germany, flying to London, going to Dublin, hitchhiking Ireland, flying back to Germany, hitchhiking in Switzerland, hitting Italy up again, climbing the highest point of the Julian Alps in Slovenia, and more. Buy Now. 4. And finally, give a copy to your parents or someone you trust. Are you fine with staying in temporary accommodation? You will come to hate it sometimes. This is where long-term travel differs greatly. This is perhaps the hardest aspect of long term travel and you NEED to be ready for it. I also always double-check at the embassy or consulate website of that country to be super sure. Is the cuisine at the destination something you enjoy and could eat daily? Enjoy my friends and may the wonders be with you!!! Its not a constant vacation but rather a constant need to stay alert, relearn new ways to interact, behave and adapt to a new culture, all of which can be mentally draining. It's also important to note long-term trips don't have to take place outside of the US. 1. Always buy travel insurance so you are covered in case of an emergency. Long-Term Travel Tips Whether your bags are packed already, or you're only daydreaming and planning your long-term trip, consider some of these tips: Get ready for culture shock! This is how to plan long-term travel, along with tips that actually help. Some people prefer to travel for short periods of time while others (like me) prefer to travel for months instead of just for a few days or weeks. At Solo Female Travelers, the entire team is made of spreadsheet nerds. I was horrified when I read TripAdvisors forums where everyone was saying it took at least three business days for their visas to get approved. Not every job or career can be translated to the digital work but you can certainly pick up new marketable skills along the way to start earning passive and active income during your travels. The only downside of making genuine friends during your long term travels is the hard goodbyes. Are you used to and comfortable eating alone? Trust me, I felt that way for a long time, thinking something was awfully wrong with me. You do the minimum of planning, the minimum of saving, and you go away for a few weeks and have a lot of fun. Traveling doesn't have to be expensive, even if its a long-term trip, and it largely depends on the kind of travel one is planning. Most adults in any country will have to prepare for long term travel in similar ways, so just fit it for your context! Youll find a , What is the best Affordable Travel Insurance for Backpackers? 1. Slow travel will keep you sane. Youll be amazed how something that simple can lift your spirits! Its completely normal. These types of jobs will give you the freedom to work and travel around the world. Here are some to keep in mind: First of all, it is important to list the places one would like to visit and then set priorities. Contact I Privacy I Disclaimer I Values I Tours T&C, *Womxn is a term we use in the spirit of inclusion, to welcome all women, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, beliefs, sexuality, or other minority. Europe is more expensive than the other regions and the Schengen visa zone limitations mean you need to plan your stops accordingly, unless you hold a European passport. Covering topics from budgeting and finding a great deal, to booking transportation and accommodations, to finding what to do at your destination. Safetywing Review, The Best Countries for Digital Nomads TO LIVE AND WORK, What you need to know before you quit your job and travel the world indefinitely, Why I decided to leave the grind and become a nomad. I WAS ALONE, AND IT WAS OKAY. Generally speaking, Southeast Asia and Europe are safer regions than the Americas where violent crime is more common. From one day trips to year long adventure. Long-term travel = slow travel While it's easy enough to travel at a frantic pace for a month or so, this is not sustainable in the long term. For most people living paycheck to paycheck, this list can be quite enlightening and reveal unnecessary expenditures that could be cut off. The faster you move from one destination to the next, the more important your suitcase is and the slower you plan to travel the less critical it will be. Get an idea of itineraries, public transportation means, visas, and their costs, backpacking prices, and things to experience in those destinations. The 3 Best Backpacker Travel Insurance Companies Compared, Travel and volunteer abroad for free with these 4 work exchange programs, The Complete Guide to Teach English Online with 37 Online Teaching schools and Platforms, 4 Realistic and Best Ways to Find Free Accommodation for Travellers, How to Make Money While Traveling the World including the 12 Best Travel Jobs, 16 Things to Prepare for a Long trip International Travel Checklist, How to become a House Sitter The Complete Guide to House Sitting, A New Way to Travel : Becoming a Ski Instructor in Japan, Is this the Best long-term travel Insurance? Long-term slow travel may seem difficult to attain, but it can actually be as simple as making one lifestyle change. Nowadays, I not only NOT feel guilty when I do this, I ACTUALLY plan my do-absolutely-nothing days (which sometimes turn into weeks). So yep, guys, long-term travel will totally ruin your life! Favorite digital nomad locations around the world are Puerto Vallarta, Oaxaca, Bali, Chiang Mai, Barcelona, Tbilisi and Berlin. Feel free to write them down in the comment section below! Theres no wrong or right way to travel, it just comes down to personal preferences. This allows travelers to spend less and make money on their long-term trips. First off, you trade in all those back-home expenses. Even though Im a Google Maps gal, I love using Maps.me because you can download a map of a place and use it offline later! It is not advisable to group destinations as a continent or a region to decide which countries to visit. Do this by following practical safety precautions like not walking alone at night in unfamiliar places, not carrying flashy jewelry or lots of cash on you, not leaving valuables unlocked at your accommodation, etc. Knowing yourself is half of the battle, my friends! Take time to prepare nourishing snacks and meals to stay healthy during your time abroad and avoid overindulging as if you were on a permanent vacation. 1. The last thing one would want to experience is getting caught up in medical charges. I always book the first night at a nice hotel and spend the first day getting my bearings and figuring out where I want to stay next, adds Mar. It was a Saturday, my flight was on Sunday. From a philosophical perspective, the duration does not matter as much as the journey one embarks on within oneself. You can prepare ahead using language apps to learn the basic phrases. It gets super annoying having to search for photo booths everywhere you go! There are two reasons for this: It is usually much cheaper to find a local guide option, and you can agency shop.. Scan your passport and other important documents and email them to yourself. Every day, note down what you spend money on, even if just a few dollars. We love this menstrual cup called the Diva Cup. If you're lucky, you might find a travel opportunity just land on your lap! Couchsurfing is a crucial site for vacationers looking to embark on long-term budget travel. While speaking Spanish is a plus in Latin America, you can always get by with sign language, or perhaps this is your cue to learn the basics of the language. It was a kickass summer, but it drained me. The last 21 years Ive spent guiding others through Europe, Africa, and South East Asia, and getting paid for it. Take time to just relax and be in the moment, dont jam pack your days with excursions or tours. Journal often. Today, I only keep in touch with 5% of them. And that's okay because you will end up falling back in love with it afterwards. It may take a really long time for them to arrive, but its best not to carry around souvenirs and other items you bought, plus they will make for great surprises when you get back home, adds Mar who shipped souvenirs from the Pacific islands back home. Alternatively, some members of our community have suggested breaking a long trip into the seasons so you can go back to your base city and repack, or traveling light and buying local clothes at vintage and thrift stores which you can resell before you leave. Journaling is one of the best things you can do on your long travels. The longer I spent traveling, the fewer things I realized I needed, says Josefine, expert long term traveler. No matter where you go, be sure to check visa requirements (such as Europes Schengen Zone) as well as whether you need proof of onward travel or not. 13 Essential travel planning tips for long-term travel. Food poisoning, a very common travel-related illness affecting 40% of travelers at least once in their life, could land you in hospital and rack thousands in bills. Long term travel is less about checking things off your bucket list and more about being in the moment and appreciating places as well as cultures. It might look like it's all sunshine and roses with endless Instagrammable snapshots and fantastic posts. Including toiletries in your long-term vacation packing list while still following TSA guidelines can take some creative packing strategies. After years of full-time travel (three of which I spent not even stepping foot back home), I like to think that I know a thing or two about travel, so it made sense to write a post with my top long-term travel tips! For women in particular, menstrual products can be an extra issue to worry about when traveling long term and something to bear in mind. Long term travel is one of the greatest adventures you can have. Set clear objectives and time frames and calculate how long it will take you to save what you need to make your dream long trip a reality, says Lauren, one of our Solo Female Travelers member. Pack light. When researching insurance companies, it is important to keep activities like high-altitude hiking and skiing into consideration so that all needs are covered. To find out more about the nuances of spending a long time in a country and get insider tips, ask other travelers in Facebook travel groups like ours or those devoted to digital nomads. In September last year, I finally did the thing I'd always dreamt of. It is a good idea to have a general health check before setting off on a long trip, just like you would do with your car if you were planning to go on a road trip. Nothing like stretching your sore legs during the long hours on a full recliner. Scheduling a rest day every 4-5 days at your hotel, a spa day, a lazy day at the beach will do wonders for your body so you can have the physical and mental energy to keep traveling. shared Kara Harms of Whimsy Soul. Theyll have the most up-to-date info on specific visa requirements for your passport! Travel is one of the greatest income distribution tools and a development force, but it is also one of the industries that most negatively impacts the environment, particularly as a result of the pollution generated by the transportation industry. 1. Sneakers or hiking shoes Then, save them on a cloud and send a copy to your family! Travel Tips Travel Tips from Travel Experts. Best travel clothing brands (for both cold weather and for hot, humid climates) 5. Another reason to have at least a general idea of the things you want to do at each place is to help you budget. Basically, the GRAYL is a water bottle that purifies any source of water in seconds and gets rid of all those chemicals and bacteria that might make you sick. Leaving the comforts of ones home to tour new places and interact with different cultures means letting go of the usual lifestyle and starting a new one. Always add a buffer amount as a contingency plan in case of unexpected bad situations like extreme weather that gets you stranded or forces you to take more expensive transportation, your credit cards not working, not being able to withdraw cash, getting sick, getting something stolen, etc. Make sure you dont ever need to get lucky in order to get a visa and check every countrys requirements before booking any flights. We are seeing many people doing this full-time, and there is an increase in the number of long-term vacationers. Are you traveling solo or with family or friends? 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