Sweet corn Fast and incredibly easy to grow, the tall pants will produce multiple cobs each in most areas along the east coast. 102 days. Kernels are a rich golden hue and carry the old-fashioned sweet corn taste that has nearly been lost due to sweet corn hybrids. In the United States and Canada, maize is mostly grown to feed livestock, as forage, silage (made by fermentation of chopped green cornstalks), or grain. Corn is high in carbs and packed with fiber, vitamins and minerals. Erin W. Hodgson, Utah State University Extension and Utah Plant Pest Diagnostic Laboratory. 85-95 days. After cooking the bacon, I drain the fat and return two tablespoons to the pot. [27] Some Spaniards worried that by eating indigenous foods, which they did not consider nutritious, they would weaken and risk turning into Indians. Some kernels may be variegated, striped, or spotted. [117] Young ears can be consumed raw, with the cob and silk, but as the plant matures (usually during the summer months), the cob becomes tougher and the silk dries to inedibility. A fossil fuel, petroleum is formed when large quantities Agronomic data were supplemented by botanical traits for a robust initial classification, then genetic, cytological, protein and DNA evidence was added. When the whole maize plant (grain plus stalks and leaves) is used for fodder, it is usually chopped all at once and ensilaged, as digestibility and palatability are higher in the ensilaged form than in the dried form. Tends to be heartier in respect to planting depth, germination and growth than other types. Top with maple syrup for a yummy breakfast. B raw unenriched long-grain white rice [68] The maize P gene encodes a Myb homolog that recognizes the sequence CCT/AACC, in sharp contrast with the C/TAACGG bound by vertebrate Myb proteins. Penguin Academics, London. 2: Plant Products of Biotechnology, 2011", "Kraft Recalls Taco Shells With Bioengineered Corn", "Genomic-based-breeding tools for tropical maize improvement", "grassy tillers1 promotes apical dominance in maize and responds to shade signals in the grasses", "Study of corn genetics has implications for biofuel research", "Chapter 1.1 Corn, strange and marvelous: but is a definitive origin known? The Maya used nixtamal meal to make varieties of porridges and tamales. 1100 BC. Maize used for silage is harvested while the plant is green and the fruit immature. 3 of 25 View All Floriani Red Flint is new to the United States. The leafy stalk of the plant produces pollen inflorescences (or "tassels") and separate ovuliferous [citation needed], "Feed maize" is being used increasingly for heating;[143] specialized corn stoves (similar to wood stoves) are available and use either feed maize or wood pellets to generate heat. The teosinte origin theory was proposed by the Russian botanist Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov in 1931 and the later American Nobel Prize-winner George Beadle in 1932. [12], Other utensils for eating corn on the cob include specialty knives from removing the kernels, brushes for removing the silk and knives for buttering. Feedipedia, a programme by INRA, CIRAD, AFZ and FAO. [100] The two plants have dissimilar appearance, maize having a single tall stalk with multiple leaves and teosinte being a short, bushy plant. WebMaize (/ m e z / MAYZ; Zea mays subsp. There are several variants of Zea mays used for different purposes. [82] On November 20, 2009, the consortium published results of its sequencing effort in Science. Four to five ears of corn are generally sufficient. They may have tines or a single spike, and have been used since ancient times, ranging from articles made of wood found in ethnographic museums[11] to precious tableware made of silver. How about field corn? If you harvest acreage mechanically, be sure to harvest for seed separately, by hand. Like all corn, its a heavy feeder. If youre unable to find the information you need, please submit your gardening question here: Connecting people with the University of Wisconsin. [4] When roasting or grilling corn on the cob, the cook can first peel the husk back to rub the corn with oil or melted butter, then re-secure the husk around the corn with a string. Solon Robinson. Smooth out the temperature range in your greenhouse by adopting one of these strategies for heating greenhouses. This is typical of this type of open-pollinated corn. [112], Because it is cold-intolerant, in the temperate zones maize must be planted in the spring. Northern armyworm, Oriental armyworm or Rice ear-cutting caterpillar (, Byerlee, Derek. Offers Floriani seed. [149] However, introduction in the northern latitudes of the US of tropical maize for biofuels, and not for human or animal consumption, may potentially alleviate this. Feedback, questions or accessibility issues: Growing and Caring for Plants in Wisconsin: Foundations in Gardening, Plant Diagnostics: The Step-by-Step Approach to Identifying Plant Problems, Preparing the vegetable garden for winter. Bundles of dried maize stalks are often displayed along with pumpkins, gourds and straw in autumnal displays outside homes and businesses. [citation needed], In the midwestern United States, low-till or no-till farming techniques are usually used. As a Californian, Id heard of it, but only recently tasted it for the first time. [citation needed], Maize is a staple of Mexican cuisine. I. [93], Maize and cornmeal (ground dried maize) constitute a staple food in many regions of the world. % of people told us that this article helped them. The idea of a maize maze was introduced by the American Maze Company who created a maze in Pennsylvania in 1993. Spanish settlers much preferred wheat bread to maize, cassava, or potatoes. It does stick, however, so check on it from time to time to ensure it doesnt burn. [3] Genetic evidence can also be used to determine when various lineages split. By paying with a credit card, you save an additional $5 and get 6 issues of MOTHER EARTH NEWS for only $14.95 (USA only). We teach, learn, lead and serve, connecting people with the University of Wisconsin, and engaging with them in transforming lives and communities. I have to say my first encounter with scrapple shocked me in a good way. Heuz V., Tran G., Edouard N., Lebas F., 2017. This leaf and above contribute 70%[73] to 75% to 90%[74] of grain fill. There are two methods for producing baby corn: either as a primary crop, or as a secondary crop in a planting of sweet corn or field corn. This randomly selects half the genes from a given plant to propagate to the next generation, meaning that desirable traits found in the crop (like high yield or good nutrition) can be lost in subsequent generations unless certain techniques are used. ", "Scientists have high hopes for corn genome", "Researchers sequence genome of maize, a key crop", "The B73 Maize Genome: Complexity, Diversity, and Dynamics", "A cornucopia of Helitrons shapes the maize genome", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, "A Green Revolution, This Time for Africa", "Post-green-revolution trends in yield potential of temperate maize in the north-central United States", "Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops: 2016 ISAAA Brief 52-2016", University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences, "National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, US Department of Agriculture, Acreage report for 2010", "ISAAA Pocket K No. 5166. The anthers shed copious amounts of wind-borne pollen that settles on the ear silks elongated stigmas to fertilize the carpels at the interior end of the silks. However, when trying to produce solid-colored corn follow the planting instructions to avoid planting cultivars too close together, which will result in calico-colored ears. As maize matures, DIMBOA levels and resistance to the corn borer decline. But theres hope. Cornmeal is such a commodity product that its rarely fresh in stores, packages dont tell you which corn variety was ground to make it, and its nearly impossible to buy whole kernels for grinding. [124] Maize is especially popular in Midwestern states such as Indiana, Iowa, and Illinois; in the latter, it was named the state's official grain in 2017. The shelves and bins of 21st-century grocery stores are packed with inexpensive foods, but have limited variety in many areas. WebPetroleum, also known as crude oil, or simply oil, is a naturally occurring yellowish-black liquid mixture of mainly hydrocarbons, and is found in geological formations.The name petroleum covers both naturally occurring unprocessed crude oil and petroleum products that consist of refined crude oil. With the help of MOTHER EARTH NEWS, growers have now tested the corn in Kansas, Maine, Nebraska, South Carolina, and Northern California. One of the only vegetables my family all agrees on is corn! Polenta is done when its creamy and tender. Grown since 1997 in the United States and Canada,[93] 92% of the US maize crop was genetically modified in 2016[91][94] and 33% of the worldwide maize crop was GM in 2016. [citation needed], The price of food is affected to a certain degree by the use of maize for biofuel production. Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe (2011). Vegetables that contribute savory bass notes include onions, leek tops, One of the great qualities of this corn is that it tends to blend well with deep flavors. [63] Photoperiodicity can be eccentric in tropical cultivars such that the long days characteristic of higher latitudes allow the plants to grow so tall that they do not have enough time to produce seed before being killed by frost. Historically, scrapple was essentially polenta boiled in a broth made from bits of pig that couldnt be used in sausage making. [6] The six major types of maize are dent corn, flint corn, pod corn, popcorn, flour corn, and sweet corn. It is grown extensively as food for humans and livestock and to produce the biofuel ethanol. Many of those who found themselves without work were small-scale maize growers."). [7] Sugar-rich varieties called sweet corn are usually grown for human consumption as kernels, while field corn varieties are used for animal feed, various corn-based human food uses (including grinding into cornmeal or masa, pressing into corn oil, fermentation and distillation into alcoholic beverages like bourbon whiskey), and as feedstocks for the chemical industry. The sweet corn we eat in summer (Z. m. saccharata or Z. m. rugosa) contains more natural sugars than other types of corn. This can require large amounts of energy in the form of combustible gases (propane or natural gas) and electricity to power the blowers. The British later referred to maize as Turkey wheat, Turkey corn, or Indian corn with Fusell commenting that "they meant not a place but a condition, a savage rather than a civilized grain", especially with Turkish people later naming it kukuruz, or barbaric. WebPetroleum, also known as crude oil, or simply oil, is a naturally occurring yellowish-black liquid mixture of mainly hydrocarbons, and is found in geological formations.The name petroleum covers both naturally occurring unprocessed crude oil and petroleum products that consist of refined crude oil. Last Updated: July 30, 2020 Generally, corn is coated with soy sauce and grilled. In more arid lands, this was altered and seeds were planted in the bottom of 1012cm (44+12in) deep furrows to collect water. They are often pale yellow and 18cm (7in) in length, like tufts of hair in appearance. Here are two recipes to get you started. Look! When maize is planted in rows, it also allows for planting of other crops between these rows to make more efficient use of land space. Later, maize spread from this region over the Americas along two major paths. Corn on the cob is normally eaten while still warm, and is often seasoned with salt and butter. This corn is the result of many farmers over a long period of time selecting for at least four traits: early ripening, large cobs, red color, and a markedly pointy or spiny kernel. There is potential that diesel can be created from the biogas by the Fischer Tropsch method. [140] Before the advent of widespread ensilaging, it was traditional to gather the corn into shocks after harvesting, where it dried further. [72], The ear leaf is the leaf most closely associated with a particular developing ear. Hoffman, L. and A. Baker. [64], Immature maize shoots accumulate a powerful antibiotic substance, 2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one (DIMBOA). It's also a common dish sold on interregional buses. Most corn comes in just yellow or white, but Indian corn is much more variable. The revolution is us. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. This reduces the supply of the other food crops and increases their prices. I admired the flavor of the corn and was given a kilo of it to bring home. [citation needed], In prehistoric times Mesoamerican women used a metate to process maize into ground cornmeal, allowing the preparation of foods that were more calorie dense than popcorn. Maize is relatively cheap and home-heating furnaces have been developed which use maize kernels as a fuel. Fedco Seeds One source is a new company, Community Grains in Northern California. However, before the killing frost entire stalks may be harvested, including the partially mature ears, and hung in a barn or shed. [citation needed], Because of its shallow roots, maize is susceptible to droughts, intolerant of nutrient-deficient soils, and prone to be uprooted by severe winds. There are many different types of corn A third theory, promoted by the eugenicist Charles Davenport, held that people only contracted pellagra if they were susceptible to it due to certain "constitutional, inheritable" traits of the affected individual. Corn pollen is heavy, large, and usually airborne in the early morning. That's why we want you to save money and trees by subscribing through our earth-friendly automatic renewal savings plan. The latter produce sheaves that can be shocked. 2. Why are there so many gadgets to help us eat it? 1. The increase in food prices the consumer has been seeing is mainly due to the higher energy cost. Floriani seems well-adapted to a wide range of North American growing conditions. Estimating the substitution of distillers'grains for corn and soybean meal in the U.S. feed complex. Its traditions and rituals involved all aspects of maize cultivation from the planting to the food preparation. [76], Maize is an annual grass in the family Gramineae, which includes such plants as wheat, rye, barley, rice, sorghum, and sugarcane. Corn or maize is a very diverse species of grass native to the Americas that has been grown for millennia by native cultures. [citation needed], Maize can also be harvested and consumed in the unripe state, when the kernels are fully grown but still soft. Grain corn is more versatile than you may think. Cooking reduction =% Maximum typical reduction in nutrients due to boiling without draining for ovo-lacto-vegetables group[158][159] Green and Gold is a dent corn with kernels appropriately colored for fans of the Green Bay Packers. Sweet corn is the typical kind of edible corn you'll find at most grocery stores. Hopi Blue is an heirloom flint corn with deep blue kernels used for making cornmeal and flour. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 45,154 times. My kids love corn on the cob, corn casserole, slow cooker creamed corn and just plain old canned corn or [125], The estimated corn usage for crop year September 1, 2020 to August 31, 2021 was 38.7 percent was used for feed, 34 percent for ethanol, 17.5 percent for export, and 9.8 percent for food.[126]. The lists do not show all contributions to every state ballot measure, or each independent expenditure committee [71] The p1 gene encodes an Myb-homologous transcriptional activator of genes required for biosynthesis of red phlobaphene pigments, while the P1-wr allele specifies colorless kernel pericarp and red cobs, and unstable factor for orange1 (Ufo1) modifies P1-wr expression to confer pigmentation in kernel pericarp, as well as vegetative tissues, which normally do not accumulate significant amounts of phlobaphene pigments. The stalk continues downward and is crumpled into a mangled pile on the ground, where it usually is left to become organic matter for the soil. This will make it easier to dry them fully. They grind into a fine, pinkish meal that bakes with an appealing spongy texture. They did this to liberate the corn hulls, but (unbeknownst to natives or colonists) it coincidentally liberates the B-vitamin niacin, the lack of which was the underlying cause of the condition known as pellagra. There are cultivars that produce regular-sized ears as well as some that have small, 2-4 inch ears. Hot Corn: Life Scenes in New York Illustrated (Series appearing in 1853 in the NY Tribune, later as a book). [14][108], A primitive corn was being grown in southern Mexico, Central America, and northern South America 7,000 years ago. [47], In Southern Africa, maize is commonly called mielie (Afrikaans) or mealie (English), words possibly derived from the Portuguese word for maize, milho, but more probably from Dutch meel or English meal, meaning the edible part of a grain or pulse. WebCorn can be used to make a variety of dishes including this recipe for corn chowder with russet potatoes, onions, and bacon. Seed is already available through two seed companies and flour is available through a miller. Wolfgang Goettel, Joachim Messing. In a 100-gram serving, maize kernels provide 86 calories and are a good source (1019% of the Daily Value) of the B vitamins, thiamin, niacin (but see Pellagra warning below), pantothenic acid (B5) and folate (right table for raw, uncooked kernels, USDA Nutrient Database). [29] We use a premium pork sausage made from pastured heritage hogs, and have our local butcher mix 2 to 3 parts cooked polenta into each pound of sausage. [8] In 2020, total world production was 1.16 billion tonnes, led by the United States with 31.0% of the total (table). Archaeobotanical studies, published in 2009, point to the middle part of the Balsas River valley as the likely location of early domestication; this river is not very long, so these locations are not very distant. [65], Ear of maize with irregular rows of kernels, While yellow maizes derive their color from lutein and zeaxanthin, in red-colored maizes, the kernel coloration is due to anthocyanins and phlobaphenes. Best Staple Crops for Building Food Self-Sufficiency. These fluffy, ultraflavorful corn pancakes are great with syrup or strawberries but they taste incredible plain as well! This is a great way to reduce the per-serving cost of premium, grass-fed meat.. www.ers.usda.gov/datafiles/US_Bioenergy/Feedstocks/table05.xls (Excel file, accessed June 29, 2015). Such corn on the cob is a common dish in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Cyprus, some parts of South America, and the Balkans, but virtually unheard of in some European countries. [citation needed], A biomass gasification power plant in Strem near Gssing, Burgenland, Austria, began in 2005. Cooks chopped up that same meat and stirred it back into the polenta, then poured the polenta out to cool and solidify, at which point it was sliced and fried. Corn on the cob can be grilled directly in its husk, or it can be shucked first and then wrapped in aluminum foil. [168], A maize stalk with two ripe ears is depicted on the reverse of the Croatian 1 lipa coin, minted since 1993. [citation needed], Barbara McClintock used these knob markers to validate her transposon theory of "jumping genes", for which she won the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. [1] Many varieties are suitable, but those developed specifically for baby corn tend to produce more ears per plant. Because of the relationship between fuel and maize, prices paid for the crop now tend to track the price of oil. All are small beginnings helping re-establish some of the variety weve lost but beginnings nonetheless. [38] "Indian corn" primarily means maize (the staple grain of indigenous Americans), but can refer more specifically to multicolored "flint corn" used for decoration. 3 Methods for Heating Greenhouses for Free. Fabulous flavor is why we stuck Floriani into the catalog at the last possible moment. Before World War II, most maize in North America was harvested by hand. In Peru choclo con queso is a popular street food in which the corn on the cob is grilled on hot coal and served with peruvian salted cheese. WebCorn is one of the world's most dominant crops. Is sweet corn a vegetable or a grain? Higher energy costs affect these costs, especially transportation. [86], Ploidy does not appear to influence EPS or magnitude of selection effect in maize. Our expert outlines processing used cooking oil in a small DIY plant. [59] Stands of silage maize are yet denser,[citation needed] and achieve a lower percentage of ears and more plant matter. Consider serving your polenta on a traditional wooden board, perhaps accented with lightly cooked kale. The technologies mentioned in the previous paragraph enable low-till and no-till farming. Below are lists of the top 10 contributors to committees that have raised at least $1,000,000 and are primarily formed to support or oppose a state ballot measure or a candidate for state office in the November 2022 general election. University supported breeding programs were especially important in developing and introducing modern hybrids. Aspergillus and Fusarium spp. [73][74], Maize flowers may sometimes exhibit mutations that lead to the formation of female flowers in the tassel. [9] Butter dripping down the diner's chin and kernels getting stuck in-between teeth may be a source of embarrassment for the diner. You and your dinner guests will marvel at the flavor of polenta made with Floriani. Keeping this grain corn variety true will take some extra work. However, when trying to produce solid-colored corn follow the planting instructions to avoid planting cultivars too close together, which will result in calico-colored ears. 15-20% have purple husks. CRC-Press: 1994. Preheat: Heat a grill to medium high heat (375 to 450 degrees Fahrenheit). In addition to being consumed directly by humans (often in the form of masa), maize is also used for corn ethanol, animal feed and other maize products, such as corn starch and corn syrup. These latter substances are synthesized in the flavonoids synthetic pathway[66] from polymerization of flavan-4-ols[67] by the expression of maize pericarp color1 (p1) gene[68] which encodes an R2R3 myb-like transcriptional activator[69] of the A1 gene encoding for the dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (reducing dihydroflavonols into flavan-4-ols)[70] while another gene (Suppressor of Pericarp Pigmentation 1 or SPP1) acts as a suppressor. Baby corn ears are typically .mw-parser-output .frac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .frac .num,.mw-parser-output .frac .den{font-size:80%;line-height:0;vertical-align:super}.mw-parser-output .frac .den{vertical-align:sub}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}4.510cm (1+344in) in length and 0.7to 1.7cm (1434in) in diameter. Corn flour is used to make cornbread and other baked products. Female inflorescences develop above one or more leaves along the stalk, while the male flowers are borne on the terminal tassel. WebMaize (/ m e z / MAYZ; Zea mays subsp. .mw-parser-output .citation{word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}A raw yellow dent corn There's effectively no difference between white and yellow sweet corn aside from color, so pick whichever you prefer. mays, from Spanish: maz after Taino: mahiz), also known as corn (North American and Australian English), is a cereal grain first domesticated by indigenous peoples in southern Mexico about 10,000 years ago. Homesteaders can easily grow enough Floriani for many servings of grits, polenta, pancakes, and cornbread. Food Self-Sufficiency: Top Crops for Homegrown Food Year-Round, MOTHER EARTH NEWS GUIDE TO WOMEN'S HEALTH, RUBY RED GRAPEFRUIT HARD SELTZER - 1 GALLON RECIPE KIT, PEOPLE BEFORE PROFIT: THE INSPIRING STORY OF THE FOUNDER OF BOB'S RED MILL, DIY Home Biodiesel Production: Make Your Own Fuel. When ground into flour, maize yields more flour with much less bran than wheat does. Pellagra still exists today in food-poor areas and refugee camps where people survive on donated maize. [2], Baby corn forage can also be fed fresh or ensiled to livestock animals. parviglumis, native to the Balsas River valley in Mexico's southwestern highlands, and also known as Balsas teosinte, as being the crop wild relative that is genetically most similar to modern maize. [citation needed], Additionally, feed corn is sometimes used by hunters to bait animals such as deer or wild hogs. [. Over that time ~72% of polyploid duplicated genes have been retained, which is higher than other plants with older polyploidy events. - eXtension", "The bizarre botany that makes corn a fruit, a grain, and also (kind of) a vegetable", "It's Time to Rethink America's Corn System", International Grains Council (international organization), "International Grains Council Market Report 28 November 2013", Genetically modified plants: Global Cultivation Area Maize, "A single domestication for maize shown by multilocus microsatellite genotyping", "Earliest Directional Evolution for Microsatellite Size in Maize", "Late ninth millennium B.P. [49] The leaves arise from the nodes, alternately on opposite sides on the stalk,[53] and have entire margins. Individual knobs are polymorphic among strains of both maize and teosinte. This heirloom corn is an old variety from the Italian Alps that was originally selected for qualities that make great polenta. The cob is close to a multiple fruit in structure, except that the individual fruits (the kernels) never fuse into a single mass. Among the most common toxins are those produced by Aspergillus and Fusarium spp. Grain corn is a terrific crop for homesteaders who want to grow their own staple crops, and its productive enough to be rewarding even in urban gardens. Life Aboard Your Own Caboose: How to Buy a Train Car. However, a common trait of all sy types is that isolation from other su and se varieties pollinating at the same time is not required, though isolation may still be recommended for maximum sweetness. This way, the patties are ready to cook no defrosting needed. They feature a large hopper that feeds the uniformly sized maize kernels (or wood pellets or cherry pits) into the fire. After cooking the bacon, I drain the fat and return two tablespoons to the pot. WebThe move towards decentralised energy production has many benefits, including the utilisation of local energy sources, increased local security of energy supply, shorter transport distances and reduced energy transmission losses. Evidence of cultivation in Peru has been found dating to about 6700 years ago. The program began in the 1980s. WebEach year, Diedrich and Rhoda Straus planted a couple of rows of sweet corn at the edge of a large field of feed corn. Four to five ears of corn are generally sufficient. The development of high lysine maize and the promotion of a more balanced diet have also contributed to its demise. Often the varieties have been genetically modified to tolerate glyphosate or to provide protection against natural pests. [36] According to Ohio State University, the US and a handful of other English-speaking countries primarily use corn, but the rest of the world calls this maize or maz. Just wait till its growing in your garden. Begins conversion of sugar to starch after peak maturity or harvest, and as such is best eaten immediately after harvest. Squash turns this naturally gluten-free dish into a light, moist bread worthy of nights around the fire. Florianis richly sweet, delicious, corny taste beat the competition silly in our pancake and cornbread muffin bake-off.. Many forms of maize are used for food, sometimes classified as various subspecies related to the amount of starch each has: This system has been replaced (though not entirely displaced) over the last 60 years by multivariable classifications based on ever more data. William Rubel, a cook and author specializing in traditional cooking, met the Florianis and was introduced to their wonderful homegrown corn while in Italy researching wild mushrooms. The combined length of the chromosomes is 1500 cM. Many varieties are suitable, but those developed specifically for baby corn tend to produce more ears per plant. WebCahuachi, in Peru, was a major ceremonial center of the Nazca culture, based from 1 AD to about 500 AD in the coastal area of the Central Andes.It overlooked some of the Nazca lines.The Italian archaeologist Giuseppe Orefici has been excavating at the site for the past few decades. In traditional etiquette, corn on the cob, like other finger foods, is problematic. Do you think Floriani red flint corn is striking? Linda Campbell Franklin, "Corn," in Andrew F. Smith (ed.). 540-894-9480 International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants, "Mississippi State University Extension Service -", "Crookham Company Launches Purple and White Sweet Corn", "HGIC 1308 Sweet Corn - Clemson University", "Supersweet sweet corn: 50 years in the making", "Corn, Sweet American Dream | All-America Selections", Smart breeding (Marker-assisted selection), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_sweetcorn_varieties&oldid=1102962167, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, True Gold, 80+ days (open pollinated selection from Golden Jubilee Hybrid), Golden Cross Bantam, 85 days (Introduced in 1933, this became the first widely grown hybrid sweet corn for both home gardens and commercial growers), Martian Jewels, 80+ days (open pollinated, unusual purple stalks and cobs), Luther Hill, 82 days (heirloom, open pollinated), Stowell's Evergreen, 98 days (heirloom, open pollinated.