The 2015 Revision. Teng NJ, Wang J, Chen T, Wu XQ, Wang YH, Lin JX. Europe also includes considerable variation with regard to changes in emissions and land use. Received 2016 Jul 27; Accepted 2018 Mar 26. (2012, p. 159) emphasize, if all other determinants of emissions and all relevant causal pathways are accounted for in a statistical model, population can only act as a scale factor and its elasticity should therefore be 1. However, the indirect effect of population growth via interactions and feedbacks with other variables remains often unclear. Ying Yong Sheng Tai Xue Bao. For both population (p) and per capita GDP (a), we include lagged level as well as change over the observed time period. Leaf indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), gibberellic acid (GA 3 ), abscisic acid (ABA), and, Fig 6. Thus, we can argue that population growth in European regions is at least partly exogenous to the other variables in the equation and therefore issues of endogeneity or unobserved interactions should be much smaller compared with global cross-country analyses. eCollection 2022. 116, Issue. Population growth is one of those things in ecology that is good to get kind of an intuitive feeling about. You may notice problems with The regression parameters are denoted by 0 to 6, while i is the regional-level error term. 2018. Urban land use increased at a mean rate which was more than twice as high in the high population growth regions compared with the control group. Without self-thinning, individual corn struggled to obtain growth resources with increasing competition intensity, resulting in insufficient growth resource being supplied. European Commission (1995). The abbreviations used in the text are listed in Table 1. During the drought stress period, one group under each PPD treatment received sufficient water supply, and the other group was subjected to drought stress. In 1983, a majority of 52% of Italians considered the recent dramatic drop in the total fertility rate to 1.4 children per women in their country to be a good thing (Palomba et al. According to Lyons, (1968), increasing plant density accelerates the rate of plant growth hence the increased heights in closer spacing at initial stage. Accessibility In addition, the lagged dependent variable (LDV) yi,t-1 captures the unobserved time-constant causes that led to differences between regions in the first place and also controls for a Matthew effect. (Urban land cover change occurs more often in areas that are already highly urbanized.) 10.4232/1.10916. Cataln B, Saur D, Serra P. Urban sprawl in the Mediterranean? The Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. A. In fact, the transport sector has shown an increase of 165% from 1990 to 2006 (Environmental Protection Agency 2006). This occurrence could alleviate competition intensity and retain population survival. Population Growth is defined as the increase in the number of individuals in a population is called population growth. Although population is growing, the city aims to improve air quality by encouraging public transportation and reducing car traffic by 20% from 2001 to 2018 (European Union 2016). (1990) reported that predispersal seed predation rates varied widely among mangrove species at study sites in northeastern . Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse in Surveys. The site is secure. Name:_ Date:_ Effect of Population Density on Plant Growth Investigation Challenge: Study Resources. Initial rapid tillering resulted in a maximum tiller density within 37 to 63 d after seeding (DAS). Zhang DM, Luo Z, Liu SH, Li WJ, Tang W, Dong HZ. In a and b, the regression lines are y = 1.9542x + 95.909 (R, This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China program grants U1304326 to XLW and 31370697 (. Studies on cotton, corn, switchgrass, and spring rape populations all showed that plant population with high PPD presents low photosynthetic rate [2933]. And if we consider density instead of just total population, depopulation is not imminent for the EU. Simulations can either be done with macro-level models (e.g., Bongaarts 1992; ONeill et al. It is an average number. J Hazard Mater. As shown in Fig 4, DL and DH showed significantly higher soluble carbohydrate contents of roots compared with WL and WH before rewatering, respectively. Returns to womens education. We then compare the distributions of urban growth and change in CO2 emissions between treatment and control cases. This wide sample poses some serious methodological issues as well as a risk of misinterpreting the data. Habitat fragmentation and the resulting decline in the local abundance of plant species can affect biological interactions. From before rewatering to 8 days after rewatering, the aboveground and total biomasses per pot in DL increased 1.55 and 1.49 times, respectively. Population growth affects the environment in Europe: This is what our regional-level analysis of changes in urban land growth and CO2 emissions indicates. Crop production is essentially controlled by plant population density (PPD). A field experiment was made with pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) The study design comprised four treatments: (1) wetness with low PPD, (2) wetness with high PPD, (3) rewatering with low P & Christensen, A.M.H. Ballester C, Castel J, Intrigliolo DS, Castel JR. This finding showed that rewatering could increase Pn and Gs. Cultivars BS-1 and UPAS-120 produced significantly more grain with 100 103 plants/ha, whereas the cultivar Prabhat produced most when 200 103 plants/ha were grown. Most studies on this link have so far analyzed cross-country data, finding contradictory results. Lambin EF, Geist HJ, Lepers E. Dynamics of land-use and land-cover change in tropical regions. One of the biggest methodological problems in global cross-country research is the high level of collinearity usually found for many socioeconomic, political, and other variables (Schrodt 2014). However, the actual sum is much larger when you take into account government subsidies for energy efficiency improvements, investments in current energy infrastructure, and publicprivate partnerships. "shouldUseShareProductTool": true, where xi and xj are the sizes of individuals i and j, respectively. The question of whether population growth is harmful for the environment cannot be solved by solely looking at the discourse. When these conditions don't hold, the role of plant intraspecific competition is basically limited to the prevention of unbounded population growth, while the parasitoid's net effect is an increase in the plant's equilibrium density over its carrying capacity when interacting only with the pollinating seed predator, thus making the system . The increase in the photosynthetic rate caused by rewatering was beneficial for compensatory growth of corn. Epub 2005 Jul 18. For instance, in 1960, the total fertility rate (TFR) in Switzerland was below 2 in urban areas such as Geneva compared with 3.5 or more children per woman in several rural cantons; today in all cantons the TFR falls somewhere between 1.2 and 1.7 (Basten et al. Puddling is an important operation to minimize soil nutrient leaching and thereby increasing the availability of plant nutrients and achieving reduced soil condition. Population growth and local air pollution: Methods, models, and results. However, the empirical evidence suggests that future population growth as a result of immigration will make it harder for the European Union to achieve its climate goals. ONeill BC, Liddle B, Jiang L, Smith KR, Pachauri S, Dalton M, et al. The effect of plant population and CCC on Spring wheat varieties with and without a dwarfing gene. The lowest level consists of NUTS-3 regions, designed to usually host between 150,000 and 800,000 people. Especia Color development in each well was detected using an ELISA Reader (Model DG-5023, Huadong Electron Tube Factory, Nanjing, China) at an optical density of A490. As Laurie Mazur (2012, p. 2) writes, if we increase by 30% by 2050, we must swiftly reduce our collective impact by a third just to maintain the disastrous status quo. The formal expression of this idea is the famous IPAT decomposition (Holdren and Ehrlich 1974), where humans environmental impact (I) is conceived to be a product of population size (P), per capita affluence (A), and technology (T) per unit of affluence. . We determined the leaf gibberellic acid (GA3), abscisic acid (ABA), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and zeatin riboside (ZR) contents, and ZR and ABA contents in xylem saps under different treatments. In a first step, we use the total sample of regions. [14], the SWC at each treatment hour was calculated using the following formula (1): where Wt is the temporary whole pot weight, Wd is the net weight of the dried sand in the pot, We is the weight of the empty pot and Wp is the estimated fresh weight (FW) of all plants in the pot and FWC is the field water capacity. Agricultural landscapes in China are composed of a mosaic of small fields with a diverse range of crops, and how . Growth, yield and water use efficiency response of greenhouse-grown hot pepper under Time-Space deficit irrigation. Population size is directly associated with amount of genetic drift and is the underlying cause of effects like population bottlenecks and the founder effect. Results for different-sized catchments were compared using time series of spawner density and saturation rate, which estimated how much of the available habitat was being utilized. We cannot solve this controversy in this paper. However, this can hardly lead to the conclusion that Frances low population growth was causally responsible for the increase in emissions and a much higher population growth rate would have benefitted the environment. It might seem counterintuitive to select contemporary Europe as the location to examine the effects of population growth. For each number of days after rewatering, the different letters indicate significant differences at P 0.05.WL: wetness with low PPD; WH: wetness with high PPD; DL: rewatering with low PPD; DH: rewatering with high PPD. Results showed that drought stress restrained the growth of corns. There are observable differences in CO2 emissions between countries and regions, too (see Fig. Population, households, and CO. Mayda AM. Corn compensatory growth during post-drought rewatering essentially involves rapid growth under the stimulus of sufficient water supply. This ZIP files contains all data used for this manuscript. Abstract. Even differences in fertility rates between urban and rural regions, which were prominent until the mid-twentieth century, have almost disappeared. FOIA Fresh leaf samples (13 g) were frozen for 30 min in liquid nitrogen and then stored at 80C for the same purpose. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. 2010) or with bottom-up agent-based simulations, where household decisions, policy reactions, and feedback processes are modeled to study the emergent macro-level outcome (e.g., An et al. Rather than expanding outwards, Hamburg is focusing on redeveloping formerly industrial areas (brownfields), such as HafenCity, Hamburg, which sits on 388 acres and is slated to add 5500 homes, commercial areas, green space, offices, schoolsincluding a universityand daycare, all following the citys green building standards. The city of Brussels, which put ambitious climate policies in place in 2004, provides one such example. Corn seedlings were planted in three single plastic pots stacked together (Fig 1). Motuma Bedane, Guta A field experiment was conducted for two successive rainy seasons (2007/08-2008/09) in Kazgail area, in North Kordofan State, Sudan, to examine the effect of plant density and cultivar on growth . [19] both advocated that CV and G are indices that reflect population size hierarchy and intraspecific competition intensity. Published online by Cambridge University Press: The effects of PPD and rewatering on biomass, leaf IAA, GA3, ABA, and ZR contents, ZR and ABA contents in xylem saps, solute carbohydrate content in roots, Pn, Gs, and Tr were analyzed using multiple Duncan range tests (P = 0.05). Growth, yield and incidence of lodging of poppies were studied in Tasmania at 10-200 plants/m 2 and at nominal rectangularities (within-row: between-row spacing) ranging from 1:1 to 10:1. Has data issue: true Cramer J. Thus, PPD is closely associated with crop water use and drought resistant. All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files. Population pressure contributes to land degradation and soil erosion thus affecting productive resource base of the economy. Data for urban growth come from the CORINE Land Cover (CLC) project, a satellite-based classification of land surface by the European Environmental Agency (2007), distributed by the European Spatial Planning Observation Network (ESPON 2012). Jennifer Dabbs Sciubba, Phone: +1 901 843-3571, Email: ude.sedohr@jabbuics. However, rewatering enhanced corn growth. London/New York: Routledge. Model 1 reports an ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation based on the following equation: In a second model, we consider spatial autocorrelation: Regions are likely influenced by neighboring areas because of, e.g., commuter networks between regions, leading to a correlation in error terms among nearby regions. 2021 May;148(1-2):1-15. doi: 10.1007/s11120-021-00825-3. Toward a restatement of demographic transition theory. Khan A, Najeeb U, Wang LS, Tan DKY, Yang GZ, Munsif F, et al.