2. Widdifield, R.A. Sims, K. Lawrence, and N. Szcyrek. Hydro-electric facilities have been constructed on a number of the river systems. Some of the best examples of North American alvar vegetation are located in the ecoregion. b. grain size analysis shall be undertaken by an accredited laboratory, c. the predominant soil type from among all the areas must be determined based on analysis of the samples chosen in subparagraph a, and on borehole information, and. 1. Provide a narrative description and assessment of. 5. It is characterized by warm, moist summers and cold winters, where the mean annual temperature is 1.4 to 2.8C, the mean length of the growing season is approximately 182 to 190 days, the mean annual precipitation is 559 to 660 mm, and the mean summer rainfall is between 243 and 287 mm (Ecological Stratification Working Group 1996; Mackey et al., 1996a, b; Wickware and Rubec, 1989). The stratified site condition standards in a non-potable groundwater condition prescribed under section 39 for the purposes of sub-subparagraph 4 i C of subsection 168.4 (1) of the Act. Sediment transport is important in the fields of sedimentary geology, geomorphology, civil engineering, hydraulic engineering and environmental engineering (see applications, below). Therefore, the sand bed load formula follows as:[30], the subscript The Little Clay Belt is situated at the eastern edge of this ecoregion. Fens and bogs with mosses, ericaceous shrubs, and graminoids predominate in lowland sites. iv. a description of, and rationale for, any deviations from the procedures set out in the quality assurance and quality control program set out in the sampling and analysis plan. The overburden is comprised of deep, calcareous glaciomarine clays, silts, and sands, over which peat deposits often develop (Barnett, 1992). 95pp. 153/04, s.39(3). 3. 55. (c) the delineation is conducted by assuming the lateral and vertical extent of the area in which a contaminant is present at a concentration greater than the applicable site condition standard for that contaminant extends laterally or vertically, as the case may be, from a sampling location at which the contaminant is present at a concentration greater than the applicable site condition standard for the contaminant to the next sampling location at which the concentration of the contaminant is equal to or below the applicable site condition standard for the contaminant. owner, in relation to a record of site condition or risk assessment, includes a beneficial owner of or receiver in respect of the property for which the record of site condition is submitted for filing, is to be submitted for filing or is filed or for which the risk assessment is submitted. O.Reg. It is characterized by a mixture of elements from both the south and the north, but Great LakesSt. The Ojibway Prairie Complex in Windsor supports one of the largest remnants of tall-grass prairie and related savannah in North America. 245/10, s.6 (1); O.Reg. Turbulent mixing results in the net motion of particles from regions of high concentrations to low concentrations. Use as a hotel, motel, hostel or similar accommodation. any potable and non-potable water sources. , divided by the fluid density, Pages 675-765 in: R.J.W. (2) The qualified person shall report the estimated soil and sediment quantities as measured in, or equivalent to, the in-ground volume in cubic metres. (b) document all reports and data consulted, and indicate what was used and how it was used in the phase one environmental site assessment. O.Reg. 2. Provincial Parks Branch, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Toronto, Ontario. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Toronto, Ontario. In March 1995, the 1995 Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRAC) selected the 321st Strategic Missile Wing for inactivation; it was first downgraded to group status, then inactivated on 30 September 1998. to the eddy diffusivity for sediment, which is approximately equal to one. (10) During the course of the phase two environmental site assessment or any subsequent phase one or phase two environmental site assessment of the phase two property or other site assessment work with respect to the phase two property, the qualified person shall update the review, evaluation and interpretation as further information becomes available. Development of Podzolic Soils in the Hudson and James Bay Lowlands, Ontario. In addition, end moraines, spillways, other glaciofluvial deposits, and substantial aeolian deposits are scattered throughout the ecoregion. Sims, R.A., W.D. 4. More than 30% of the ecoregion is covered by various types of wetlands, including 12.1% water and 9.1% treed bog. s 6. approximate depth to the water table. iii. {\displaystyle \phi } Its northern boundary with Ecoregion 4E is strongly correlated with climatic variables, elevation, and geological differences (Baldwin et al.., 1998). Agriculture and Agri-food Canada Publication 1646 (Revised), Ottawa, Ontario. The RSC number of any previous RSC that has been filed in the Registry, if the previous RSC applies to any part of the RSC property. 14. O.Reg. Deciduous forest fire cycles range between 70 and 210 years, and fires tend to be variable in intensity. {\displaystyle F_{s}} 153/04, s.53(2). This area also supports healthy populations of tundra and tree-line songbirds, such as Smiths longspur, lapland longspur, American tree sparrow, and common redpoll. iv. locate any drinking water wells at the phase one property. Birds that utilize the area for breeding include tundra swans. 2. Each sample must be analyzed by an appropriate field testing method or by a laboratory. iv. The coarsest soil type from among these samples for each area where a volatile contaminant is present in ground water at a concentration greater than the applicable site condition standard for the contaminant shall be identified. is the Einstein nondimensionalization for sediment volumetric discharge per unit width, 2. 3. Property Information, Site Plan and Geological Interpretation, (b) Site Plan and Hydrogeological Interpretation of RA Property. details of existing and former heating systems, including type and fuel source. iii. iii. Fishing, hunting, and trapping are the major occupations. 23, Sustainable Development Branch, Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. (4) For the purposes of a record of site condition filed in the Registry under subsection 168.4 (6) of the Act, the certification date is the date set out in Part 5 (Affidavit of Principal Consultant) of the record of site condition that was acknowledged by the Ministry under the Cleanup Guideline 1996. O.Reg. The vegetation is predominantly open boreal forest (spruce-lichen woodland and taiga), with closed stands of black spruce along the more deeply entrenched stream courses with levees comprised of mineral substrate. 32. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 39:75-84. Investigations of structures sufficient to obtain and document the following. 43. Yang, J.P. McMahon, and M.F. (ii) the commencement of the risk assessment, in the case of a report being used in planning, conducting or supervising a risk assessment; (b) in the professional opinion of the qualified person, there is no new or materially changed area of potential environmental concern at the property; (c) the phase two environmental site assessment meets all other requirements of this Part and Schedule E for a phase two environmental site assessment, including the requirements for a phase two environmental site assessment report; (e) the report is the most recent document that meets the requirements of this Part and Schedule E for a phase two environmental site assessment report. O.Reg. , which is given by The information represents the site conditions at the sampling points at the time of sampling only and the conditions between and beyond the sampling points may vary. (1) For the purposes of subsection 168.4 (5) of the Act, the prescribed period for the retention of a report is seven years after the date the record of site condition listing the report is filed in the Registry. O.Reg. For all flows that cannot be simplified as a single-slope infinite channel (as in the depth-slope product, above), the bed shear stress can be locally found by applying the Saint-Venant equations for continuity, which consider accelerations within the flow. The Roles of the James and Hudson Bay Lowland in the Annual Cycle of Geese. vi. 5. Thaler, G.R., and R.C. The host unit is the 319th Reconnaissance Wing (319 RW) assigned to the Air Combat Command (ACC) operating E/RQ-4B Global Hawk remotely As with the vegetation, the fauna of the ecoregion is typically boreal. 28 pp. 66/08, s.2. iv. soil vapour field data, including leak test data, purge volumes and sample rates. {\displaystyle u*} If the stockpile volume is greater than 5000 m3, the minimum number of samples that must be collected and analysed as described in paragraph 5 is the amount determined in accordance with the following formula: V = the stockpile volume in cubic metres. i. a rationale for the choice of contaminants to be analyzed. In addition to the sharp boundary between bedrock types at the Ecoregion 2E/3E boundary, there is a sharp difference in the estimated net primary productivity across this boundary (Baldwin et al., 1998). 220pp. W 0.03 iii. identify and locate any areas of natural significance located in whole or in part on the phase one study area. The Forest-Tundra Forest Section and a portion of the Hudson Bay Lowlands Forest Section are also located here (Rowe, 1972). "All About Glaciers". 6. ii. It is worth mentioning that Kuhnle et al. P.C. Some species with prairie affinities, such as bur oak, nodding onion, and big bluestem grow in the drier woodland habitats in the western part of Ecoregion 4S (Maycock, 1979). (4) The phase one environmental site assessment report shall have the appendices, references and figures specified in Table 1 of this Schedule attached to the report. Glossary of geography terms Bed load moves by rolling, sliding, and hopping (or saltating) over the bed, and moves at a small fraction of the fluid flow velocity. 4. Ecology of a Managed Terrestrial Landscape: Patterns and Processes of Forest Landscapes in Ontario. Ground moraine is the prevalent surficial overburden, but there also are considerable glaciolacustrine and glaciofluvial deposits aligned with the orientation of the major morainal systems surrounding Lake Nipigon. C ix. (a) ground water samples are collected cross-gradient and down-gradient from the sampling point from which the ground water sample showing the concentration was collected; (b) the sample collected from each of the additional cross-gradient and down-gradient sampling points are submitted for laboratory analysis; and. Barnett, P. J. {\displaystyle \tau _{c}*} iv. interpreted distribution of the soil types present in the area. Aeolian deposits are rare. Coastal sediment transport results in the formation of characteristic coastal landforms such as beaches, barrier islands, and capes.[5]. In Sweden Uppsalasen stretches for 250km (160mi) and passes through Uppsala city. He continued to revise this system until 1976. Paragraph 3 of subsection 22 (2) of Schedule A. Ecosystem classification delineates areas of similar ecology at different scales, often within a nested or hierarchical framework. Bates, R.L., and J.A. These are prominent topographic features on an otherwise subdued landscape (Barnett et al.., 1991b; OMNR, 1981; Prest, 1963, 1976; Zoltai, 1961). Shuter, M.M. Twenty-seven types of natural heritage areas are located in Ecoregion 6E, including St. Lawrence Islands National Park, the Niagara Escarpment Biosphere Reserve, Frontenac Provincial Natural Environment Class Park, and the Oak Ridges Moraine. iii. For each contaminant of concern with threshold toxic effects and taking into consideration any risk management measures that are being proposed in the risk assessment, propose and justify a human health standard for the contaminant, ensuring that each human receptor does not receive an estimated dose exceeding 0.2 the limit dose (TDI, RfD or RfC) for each environmental medium. In this paragraph, TDI means tolerable daily intake, RfD means the reference dose, RfC means the reference concentration. The units used to measure the TDI, the RfD and the RfC must be specified and conform to acceptable conventions. Average annual precipitation ranges between 240 and 525 mm (Stewart and Lockhart, 2005). Where a contaminant is identified on, in or under the phase two property during the site investigation and the contaminant is one for which there is no standard listed in the Soil, Ground Water and Sediment Standards, samples of the contaminant shall be collected and analyzed if the contaminant is a contaminant of concern. [Map] Prepared for the Ecological Land Classification Working Group. This basic criterion for the initiation of motion can be written as: This is typically represented by a comparison between a dimensionless shear stress Coombs, D.B. 1973. 1. Provide a table of areas of potential environmental concern in a form approved by the Director. community use means any of the following uses: 1. {\displaystyle \tau _{c}} A moraine is another glacial depositional feature. of sample locations, sample An area designated by a municipality in its official plan as environmentally significant, however expressed, including designations of areas as environmentally sensitive, as being of environmental concern and as being ecologically significant. This ecoregion is situated on the Precambrian Shield. They may sometimes also be segregated into bed material load and wash load. 1. Ontario Climatic Model v.2.0. Ecological Land Classification (ELC) systems are used to classify and describe ecosystems. Lowland habitats contain black spruce, white spruce, balsam fir, tamarack, and eastern white cedar, with lesser amounts of black ash, American elm, and red maple (Maycock, 1979; Noble, 1980). Gray wolf, Canada lynx, moose, American mink, snowshoe hare, common loon, bald eagle, hermit thrush, white-throated sparrow, American toad, boreal chorus frog, wood frog, and red-sided gartersnake are also important species. Wotton, M., K. Logan, and R. McAlpine. Feilders, and R.G. iii. the human and ecological receptors located on, in or under the phase two property. (with the " Also intermediate directions or ordinal directions. ii. a detailed description of data, analysis or findings relevant to the phase one environmental site assessment, such as the existence of an area of potential environmental concern. Inquiries about the type and approximate location of underground utility and service corridors, such as sewer, water, electrical or gas lines, located on, in or under the phase one property. However, there is a wide range of temperature, precipitation, and humidity patterns. waste management records, including current and historical waste storage locations and waste generator and waste receiver information maintained pursuant to Regulation 347 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 (General Waste Management) made under the Act, or its predecessors with respect to the phase one property and any property on, under or adjacent to the phase one property. 8. Provide a description of the steps taken to ensure that contaminants created or introduced to the property during remediation do not exceed the applicable site condition standard, if the remediation method involved the creation or introduction of contaminants or substances to the subsurface of the property. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Research Branch, Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research, and Environment Canada, State of the Environment Directorate, Ecozone Analysis Branch, Ottawa, Ontario and Hull, Quebec. Currently, 12 types of natural heritage areas are located in Ecoregion 4S, including Woodland Caribou Provincial Wilderness Class Park, Bloodvein Canadian Heritage River, Adair Lake Conservation Reserve, and Rice Lake Provincially Significant Wetland. g Thurston. On the coarser upland materials, associated with very low base morainal and glaciofluvial deposits, it is most common to find Dystric Brunisols (51%). 2. Lowland forests have even longer fire cycles, ranging between 150 and 6,000 years (van Sleeuwen, 2006). ii. Exposed bedrock extends over approximately 13% of the landscape and organic deposits can be found in poorly drained areas. (a.1) any well that serves a property within the phase one study area, if, (i) the phase one property and all properties within the phase one study area are serviced by a municipal drinking water system, and. For example, ecosystem matter includes surface water, ground water, ice, and snow; geological formations, surficial materials, and substrates; atmospheric gases and particulates; human-made structures; and plants, animals, and other organisms. 54. (2) For the purpose of subsection 168.8 (6) of the Act, notice of compliance with an order shall set out the number and date of issue of the order, and the date on which the Director became satisfied that the order has been complied with. Mean annual precipitation ranges between 771 and 1,134 mm, and the mean summer rainfall is between 204 and 304 mm (Mackey et al., 1996a, b). The predominant substrates in the ecoregion include Gray Brown Luvisols (60%) and Gleysols (37%). is the von Krmn constant, where. wiring diagram honda cb400f electrical cb400 motorcycle xl diagrams . (in prep). 4. Because particles settle downward, for all cases where the particles are not neutrally buoyant or sufficiently light that this settling velocity is negligible, there is a net negative concentration gradient as one goes upward in the flow. O.Reg. 511/09, s.28 (24). 1. State the expertise required to complete this risk assessment and design of any risk management measures specified in Report Section 7 (Risk Management Plan) and justify the omission of areas of expertise normally associated with the completion of a risk assessment. At the end of a rental agreement, there is no money or profit for the renter. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 26:333-354. This area is characterized by discontinuous permafrost, and is bound on its southwestern end by the contact zone with Precambrian Shield, and on its southeastern end by a temperature transition with the adjacent Ecoregion 2E. 179/11, s.3. Table 2 Minimum Stockpile Sampling Frequency. O.Reg. The phase two conceptual site model prepared during the phase two environmental site assessment. an assessment of whether the sampling program is sufficient for the purposes of the risk assessment and if not, a description of what further site investigations were conducted to support the risk assessment, and. Boreal species such as white spruce, balsam fir, trembling aspen, and white birch are frequent (Ecological Stratification Working Group, 1996; Rowe, 1992). 3. 3. To obtain and review records that relate to properties in the phase one study area, other than the phase one property, in order to determine if an area of potential environmental concern exists and to interpret any area of potential environmental concern. (a) Determine the FOC in the aquifer that carries the contaminants of concern to a water body. (a) the proposed use of the RA property; (b) the receptors and exposure pathways to be assessed by the human health risk assessment; (c) whether a qualitative or quantitative assessment of risk or both will be used in the human health risk assessment; and. Ecological Stratification Working Group. The geography of these islands is characterized by tundra, permafrost, and volcanoes. Quaternary Evolution of the Hudson/James Bay Region. (a) propose risk management measures on the RA property that are designed to prevent, eliminate or ameliorate any adverse effects on or off the RA property; (b) propose restrictions on the use of the RA property, including any restriction that applies to the construction of a building on the property; or. In addition, mixed stands of white spruce, black spruce, balsam fir, and poplar species develop on warmer-than-normal sites, usually on shores of lakes and large rivers (Hills, 1959). Deriving an Eco-regional Framework for Ontario. The coastal mudflats are important staging areas for hundreds of thousands of shorebirds. An agricultural or other use is the most sensitive of any type of property use. (c) the samples are analyzed for each contaminant that was shown to be present at a concentration greater than the applicable site condition standard for the contaminant, and for any other associated or related contaminants. A limited scope risk assessment described in section 7. There is a prominent exception to this relatively flat landscape. [17] Ferguson and Church (2006) analytically combined the expressions for Stokes flow and a turbulent drag law into a single equation that works for all sizes of sediment, and successfully tested it against the data of Dietrich. (c) Written Description of Investigation. Throughout the western and central portions of the ecoregion, fires are fairly evenly distributed across the landscape, with the exception of the extreme northern fringe. This ecoregion is located within the Great Lakes Watershed, and is generally well drained. The bed material load formula of Engelund and Hansen is the only one to not include some kind of critical value for the initiation of sediment transport. Lawrence Forest Region, and a small portion is located in the Boreal Forest Region (Rowe, 1972). Thus, the smooth, generalized lines used by Hills did not adequately capture the spatial resolution needed for gap analysis, protected area stratification, state of resource reporting, or GIS applications. If the owner is a firm, company or partnership, the name of the person who is authorizing the filing on behalf of the firm, company or partnership. Lakes and rivers are frequent in many parts of the ecozone. i. monitoring well identification numbers. Having regard to the discussions of uncertainty under Heading (b) (Exposure Assessment) and Heading (c) (Toxicity Assessment), state how such uncertainty could affect the interpretation of risk in this report section and the need to manage such risks. 1962. That system (Hills, 1961; reprinted in 1966 with a revised map) continues to form the basis for ecological classification in Ontario today. , Bed load transport rates may also be given by a ratio of bed shear stress to critical shear stress, which is equivalent in both the dimensional and nondimensional cases. 33.7 (1) Where a qualified person retained by or on behalf of an owner who wishes to submit a record of site condition for filing is not the same qualified person who conducted or supervised the phase two environmental site assessment, the qualified person who has been retained with respect to submission of the record of site condition for filing shall review the phase two environmental site assessment and any other material necessary to determine whether. Thunder Bay is a large urban area with manufacturing (e.g., railcars), transportation services (e.g., grain handling), and government. (8) The requirements in Report Section 9 (Figures and Tables) of Table 1 of this Schedule which refer to monitoring wells, ground water, ground water elevations or analytical results of ground water sampling do not apply unless there has been sampling of ground water during the phase two environmental site assessment. 37pp. v. The qualified person shall document the rationale for the selection of the soil vapour sampling locations and depths. ii. documentation of the steps taken to confirm that information or data which are to be used from previous investigations are of adequate quality such that it can be relied upon. (ii) if the person holds a masters degree in science or engineering from a university, seven years experience, (iii) in any other case, eight years experience; and. As glaciers move over their beds, they entrain and move material of all sizes. 2. 6. At least one soil sample shall be taken at each of the four sampling locations and analyzed for the contaminants of concern or contaminants of potential concern which are organic chemicals and for any other organic chemical detected. The Great Lakes provide a moderating influence. 3. Structures that modify local near-field secondary currents are useful to mitigate these effects and limit or prevent bed load sediment entry. {\displaystyle C_{1}} Spottail shiner, finescale dace, fathead minnow, white sucker, brook stickleback, and mottled sculpin are among the fish species found in aquatic ecosystems in the ecoregion. Substrates on well-drained, coarse-textured sites show brunisolic and podzolic development patterns. 1. A standard must be specific in the risk assessment for each contaminant of concern. The specified standard shall be, at a minimum, the more stringent of the human health standard and the ecological standard being proposed for the RA property. 11. For each parameter group defined in the Analytical Protocol for which a contaminant has been analysed, provide one or more figures that show the results of analyses for all confirmation samples of soil, ground water and sediment, including the delineation of the lateral and vertical extent of contaminants in soil, ground water or sediment following actions taken to reduce the concentration of contaminants, and illustrating. 153/04, s.11(2). This ecoregion is situated on the Precambrian Shield where the bedrock is predominantly granitic and gneissic. The "hiding function" takes into account the fact that, while small grains are inherently more mobile than large grains, on a mixed-grain-size bed, they may be trapped in deep pockets between large grains. In May 2005, DoD's 2005 Base Realignment and Closure Commission recommended that Grand Forks be realigned. Prop 30 is supported by a coalition including CalFire Firefighters, the American Lung Association, environmental organizations, electrical workers and businesses that want to improve Californias air quality by fighting and preventing wildfires and reducing air pollution from vehicles. 407/19, s. 26; O. Reg. The Georgian Bay Ecoregion is situated on the southern portion of the Precambrian Shield, in south-central Ontario, extending from southeastern Lake Superior in the west to the central portion of the Ottawa River valley and the Quebec border in the east. Information obtained from planning and conducting the phase two environmental site assessment. (a) operations at the property, including processing or manufacturing; (b) hazardous materials used or stored at the phase one property; (c) products manufactured at the phase one property; (d) by-products and wastes at the phase one property; (e) raw materials handling and storage locations at the phase one property; (f) location and contents of drums, totes and bins at the phase one property; (g) details of all oil/water separators at the phase one property including for each separator the location, installation date, source of incoming liquid and effluent discharge location; (h) all vehicle and equipment maintenance areas, including the locations of maintenance, fluid storage, and waste storage areas; (i) details of all spills including the dates, locations, materials involved, and volumes of material spilled; (j) details of liquid discharge points such as water and French drains, including their locations; and. 6. ii. Describe the justification process being used as part of the qualitative analysis. Riley (2003) referred to the larger portion of this ecoregion as the Peat Plateau and Woodland Floristic Zone, and recognized the more southerly portion as the Peatland and Woodland Floristic Zone. The following are the specific objectives of the site reconnaissance component of a phase one environmental site assessment: 1. O.Reg. As of [insert certification date], the property for which the phase two environmental site assessment was conducted meets the standards specified in the risk assessment for the contaminant. 90pp. Marine deposits of clay and beach materials continue to accumulate along the coastal margins of Hudson and James Bay. (1) The person who is submitting the RSC for filing in respect of the property shall ensure that the RSC contains the following information: 1. (c) propose a combination of measures specified in clauses (a) and (b). (iv) Deviations From Sampling and Analysis Plan. Wawa Subprovince. The mathematical solution of the equation was given by Dey.[11]. The halothermal circulation is that portion of the global ocean circulation that is driven by global density gradients created by surface heat and evaporation. 4. The aircraft in the 1960s at GFAFB were the latest models: B-52H bombers and KC-135A tankers.[2]. Where a monitoring well is being used, monitoring well screens shall not exceed 3.1 metres in length, based on the saturated length of the screen. The coastal marshes in the Ontario portion of this ecozone support up to 50% of the eastern brant population during their northward migration, and they also serve as breeding, molting, and staging grounds for at least 2.5 million snow geese and hundreds of thousands of Canada geese (Thomas and Prevett, 1982).