Development of appropriate institutional structures is acknowledged as a key challenge for e-science (David & Spence, 2003). 3099067. This work uses a new integrative approach called connective ethnography that focuses on how a gaming practice spread across a network of youth at an after school club that simultaneously participated in a virtual world, Institute for Community Inquiry . While in other parts of the research I found email interviews an invaluable tool for opportunistic contacts and geographically dispersed informants, a face-to-face visit gave a sense of material culture and institutional location which enriched my understanding of the issues that shaped what was possible and desirable online. A search engine such as Google does not of course give an objective portrayal of a territory. August 21, 2017. romania traditional dance. (Select Committee on Science and Technology, 2002a, p. 5). Building on this openness to multi-sited science, and to structures of meaning-making which do not conform to laboratory boundaries, science studies would appear to be well placed to pursue ethnographic understandings of e-science. Within an ethnographic strategy for understanding e-science it is important to consider how expectations about online activities are being shaped, and also to pursue the way that online activities are presented for other audiences. 18 - Building World, A Connective Ethnography of Play in Minecraft The chapter starts with an introduction to ethnography and its challenges when going digital. Advertisements were sent to the list in the clear expectation that this was an appropriate way to publicize initiatives and opportunities to a broad systematics audience. This paper discusses the complexities of investigating the experiences of participants in hybrid (online/offline) learning communities through educational ethnography. Korgen (Ed.) Exploring the landscape of the Web can be organized in many ways. In this article it is not the intention to give an account of the entire ethnography. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. A swathe of influential laboratory-based ethnographies initially helped to establish a view of science as a constitutively social practice (H. M. Collins, 1975, 1985; Knorr-Cetina, 1981; Latour & Woolgar, 1986; Lynch, 1985; Zenzen & Restivo, 1982). Our study focuses on the play of a single participant, collecting ethnographic data about how he enacts play across several different technologies as both a player and a server administrator. Where do ethnographers have to be, Ethnographic and ethnographically inspired approaches are becoming increasingly popular in studies of digital media and digital culture, and are being used by scholars from a variety of disciplinary, Over the last few decades, ethnographers have begun to orient to the digital world as both a site of new data and a domain of study itself. A Connective Ethnography of Adolescent Communication Practices Across Online and Offline Contexts. In addition to site visits and interviews, an important source of insight into initiatives and their connections to institutions came from the Web itself. Through connective ethnography, the forces of influence and flow form a progression which moves from the complete separation of off-line and on-line realms toward a complete meshing (i.e., one ness) of the on/off-line realm. An ethnographer could usefully explore online forums and the extent to which they represent and transform disciplinary identity; institutional structures and their representation in Web landscapes; and policy directions and their consumption and reproduction in and of on-the-ground activities. It attracts a particular audience segment, and is part of a wider genre of factual television . This dissertation called "A connective ethnography of a file sharing practice: The Bulgarian case" aims to provide an understanding about file sharing activities while considering the local context of a specific country. Digital ethnography can involve interacting with participants in a virtual space. It is interesting to think about the many "ways of speaking" used in different situations within a single culture or across different cultures. Controversial issues were particularly likely to feature in list discussions. To select the papers for the review, we first examined prior meta-review papers that identified new ethnographic methods appropriate for digital contexts (e.g., network ethnography, trace ethnography, rapid ethnography, connective ethnography, focused ethnography, etc. Beaulieu (2004), too, identifies the transfer of ethnography to the Internet as a matter of, in the main, gentle worries, milder claims and subtler adjustments, rather than radical shifts in practice or in epistemological substance. We have no way of judging whether the majority of readers agree with points being made, even though silence on a mailing list often appears as if it is acquiescence (Hine, 2000). The conclusion then examines the extent to which these strategies transform the ethnographic project, and discusses their applicability to other domains both within e-science and beyond. There were considerable imperfections in both of these data sets, and the conclusions could only be very broad approximations. I am grateful to Nicholas Jankowski and two anonymous referees for comments that helped in revising the article. I also developed an experiential sense of the web landscape through my ongoing efforts to find relevant initiatives and work out how they were related to one another. It then provides an overview of the different approaches to digital ethnography depending on the object of study: (1) the ethnography of online communities, virtual worlds, and social media sites; (2) the connective ethnography proposal through online . In the multimodal and increasingly participatory culture of digital media, children, for instance, are no longer only recipients but also authors and cocreators of expressive and creative content. Blog. Methods Map. This form of ethnography is simultaneously old and new, being grounded in a tradition of emergence and adaptation. 3099067 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG 2022 Informa UK Limited, Registered in England & Wales No. It was clear that the list could not, therefore, be taken straightforwardly to represent the way the discipline thought. While exploring the mutual elaboration between online and offline activities is important, as Leander and McKim describe (2003), it proved significant in this case also to track connections between activities and expectations about those activities. One of the main findings of this study was that many scientists and engineers feel a sense of connection to their work and to the larger . Click here to navigate to parent product. In order to extend my assessment of the list as a reflection of disciplinary concerns, I deployed the list itself, posting a message asking for assistance in finding out what the list meant to its users. While the list membership at the time was around 1,400, only 25 members responded to my appeal and engaged in dialogue about their participation. During the second half of the twentieth century there was a rapid growth in the sub-discipline of the Sociology of Consumption. Little is known concerning how young players learn to participate in various activities in virtual worlds. We formed a community of practice which used a problem-solving learning technique to answer the questions the Village Association presented to us. As Jankowski and van Selm (2005) suggest, many methodological responses to new information and communication technologies have been of the order of minor adjustments rather than radical rethinking. The complex status of the report was an issue for discussion in interviews with some of the key players who informed the report and institutional responses to it. Christine Hine is Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Surrey. One means of assessing this point was to discuss the list with the interviewees whom I met face-to-face, asking whether they used the list and what it meant to them. Some of the ethnography was more conventionally organized around sites that could be identified in advance: One would not, for example, expect credibly to explore systematics without visiting at least some of the major institutions where the work is done. The ethnography combined observation and interviews within systematics institutions with mailing list participation, exploration of web landscapes, and analysis of expectations around information and communications technologies as portrayed in policy documents. Int. Tracing insider knowledge across time and spaces: a connective ethnography in a teen online game world Analysis of the evidence informing the report and interviews with systematists about their response to the issues demonstrated that this climate was experienced both as a pressure and as a strategic opportunity. Instead of studying the learning outcomes of the method, we decided in this research to focus on the teachers' experiences when doing things differently in a fairly traditional pedagogical institution like a university. 47-68 . Analysis of the cheat sites created by players for a tween virtual world called, which encourages youth to participate in a range of social activities and play casual science games, creates typologies for both the cheats and sites related to science content. TriPac (Diesel) TriPac (Battery) Power Management Shifting the frame can help to bring into focus new connections to explore, and highlight issues that might otherwise be taken for granted. Becoming aware that the list was viewed as a public forum, and that postings were viewed as consequential for reputation, I asked permission to use materials that I wished to quote, particularly where this involved archival materials and I might be inappropriately resurrecting pasts that those involved would prefer to forget. Connective Ethnography . On this analysis the list is not reflective of the discipline across its full geographic distribution, but reproduces the inequalities that are a matter of concern in the global politics of biodiversity conservation. The potential transformation of science through the introduction of e-science has been a prominent policy concern and a widely discussed expectation in recent years. A connective ethnography of peer knowledge sharing and diffusion in a tween virtual world International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning . In this section I describe the role that institutional websites played in my ethnography, and in particular focus on the purchase offered by exploring the web landscape and connecting that with insights from institutional visits and literature analysis. Volume 1 aims to explore what constitutes 'contemporary ethnography'. Her research in sociology of science and technology focuses on the development of ethnographic methodologies for scientific and technical settings including the Internet, and on the role of information and communication technologies in science. The tool that I used was the TouchGraph Google browser ( Any of the resulting nodes can be clicked on again to retrieve the site itself, or to reveal another network of related sites based on that new starting point. Systematics has been distinctive in its development of distributed databases that are openly accessible on the Internet. Some projects were quite small-scale initiatives with clearly identifiable lead personnel, but others were multi-institutional international collaborations, or even meta-level projects aimed at promoting access to data across discrete complementary projects. By taking a cultural perspective inherent in doing ethnography, it is possible to provide rich insights into a context not often visible to those outside of the file sharing subculture. Find step-by-step guidance to complete your research project. Nonetheless, it was possible to calculate that the perception that U.S. concerns were over-represented on the list was justified, since U.S. subscribers were both numerically the largest group and a relatively high proportion of taxonomists from the U.S. were subscribers. The Internet has been promoted in some prominent initiatives as a means to enable resource sharing to overcome at least some of the geographic inequalities. Countries who signed up to the convention were required to share with others their expertise and resources in systematics, thus addressing the geographical inequalities that left some countries rich in biodiversity poor in the resources to understand and conserve it. example of ethnography of communication; maybank mobile banking; windy city ninja camp; Select Page. Project Planner. In particular, it prompted questions about the response of institutions to the Web, and the varying visibility of institutions and the initiatives that populated them. Relevance is not always obvious in advance, and so this approach involves a certain amount of tentative exploration of potential research directions. More than a million books are available now via BitTorrent. Ethnography Lisa-Jo K. van den Scott1 Introduction Several cross-currents flow today within ethnographic practices. In the approach proposed here different sites emerge as important and inform one another in various ways, and while sometimes the online/offline distinction will be apparent, in other cases it will seamlessly be crossed. There is now a repertoire of specialist techniques using analysis of hyperlinks to expose features of the web landscape (Rogers, 2002; Rogers & Marres, 2000; Thelwall, 2004). Online and offline may well not be categories that participants orient to in the context of their efforts to sustain fundable activities that are respected by their peers and their institutions. In this paper, we describe and analyze how an insider gaming practice spread across a group of tween players ages 912years in an after-school gaming club that simultaneously participated in a virtual world called, Little is known concerning how young players learn to participate in various activities in virtual worlds. Many aspects of the linguistic turn have appeared in children's literature scholarship. Our study focuses on the play of a single participant, collecting ethnographic data about how he enacts play across several different technologies as both a player and a server administrator. eBook ISBN 9781315621814 ABSTRACT In many ways, the new media encounter is a challenge to rethink the study of young people's texts. I therefore supplemented qualitative analysis of insights from participants with a simple quantitative assessment of list demographics compared with the demographics of the disciplinary population as a whole. An initial set of questions invited respondents to tell me about their list subscription, about the other lists they subscribed to, and about how well they felt the list reflected the concerns of the discipline. Purpose Increasing complexity, fragmentation, mobility, pace, and technological intermediation of organizational life make being there increasingly difficult. Key dimensions of collective learning are identified, observations of online and local participation in one open-source Web 2.0 community with over 630,000 members are presented, and a research agenda for computer-supported collective learning is outlined. It is, however, not safe to treat the list as a transparent mirror of disciplinary concerns. Volume 1: Contemporary Ethnographies: Transformation, Change and Continuities. The list organizer supplied me with the membership list broken down by country of origin. It prompted exploration of that landscape, its structures and its connections, as a form of observation in its own right, in turn raising questions for interviews and observations to investigate how that landscape is constructed and made meaningful by participants in their ongoing work. This study was designed to investigate the adoption of different types of knowledge, resources (facts and objects), and tool- and concept-related practices in a Grade 4-5 classroom studying a unit on, This article has two primary goals: (a) to illustrate how a closer analysis of language can lead to fruitful insights into the activities that it helps constitute, and (b) to demonstrate the, Learning viewed as situated activity has as its central defining characteristic a process that we call legitimate peripheral participation . However, while the list was important to them as a way of monitoring their discipline, for many it was also felt to be an imperfect mirror both of disciplinary concerns and of the social climate of the discipline. Systematists use the specimens within these collections as a resource for undertaking work on classification, and virtual resources are increasingly being developed in conjunction with specimen collections in order to give wider access to information about specimens. Formal link analysis tends to use its own web crawlers to collect links, since it is then possible to control for timing, depth, and reach rather than relying on the vagaries of search engines with proprietary algorithms. While ethnography is well established as a way of exploring the detail of the knowledge production process, some strategic adaptations are prompted by this spatial complexity of e-science. Knorr-Cetina has explored the prevalence of different scientific cultures by comparing laboratories in diverse disciplines (1999), and large scale historic-ethnographic studies provide pictures of the development of disciplinary cultures over time (H. Collins, 2004; Galison, 1997). Exploring connections among these different activities offers a means of understanding multiple dimensions of e-science as a focus of practice and policy. Anamnesis: Connective (Re)Collections Part 2 Project 2020 Aine Walker University College Cork Cork | Ireland University College Cork Cork | Ireland New questions also arise, focused around the extent to which distributed scientific practice reshapes knowledge production processes and outcomes and the degree to which developments are experienced differently across diverse disciplines (Hine, 2006). The ethnography visited a diverse array of online and offline sites. The list was also felt to be skewed towards the concerns of the USA. Specials; Thermo King. I also used the list quite specifically to track some particular issues that were relevant for my research, drawing on list archives that were available online going back to 1991. This article explores the notion of connective ethnography as a modern form of ethnography that includes both the sense of a local physical context as well as the increasing connections between information resources in the form of people, systems and texts. It is quite plausible to anchor current adaptations of ethnography in disciplinary legacies even while highlighting innovation, and there is a methodological rationale for consciously adopting an ambiguous stance. acquire the Ethnographic Interpretations 16 . While ethnography is well established as a way of exploring the detail of the knowledge production process, some, This article explores the strengths of ethnography as a methodology for exploring the complex social landscape of the contemporary Internet. We found that club members took advantage of the different spaces, people, and times available to them across Whyville, the club, and even home and classroom . Recent science studies adopt quite diverse notions of the appropriate field site for developing an understanding of science. how to be more practical and less emotional. Over a period of three years, informed by a previous long-term engagement with the discipline (since 1986), I visited several institutions, conducted interviews with systematists and participants in database initiatives at these sites, and toured museums and specimen collections. Tweets . The routine movement between online and offline that my practice of recruiting interviewees entailed also gave me an experiential understanding of online communication as an embedded part of everyday life within systematics. As applied to science, ethnography has offered a way of delving beneath surface-level accounts of the knowledge-making process. Content moved beyond the boundaries of overt list membership, and readers appeared actively to consume and to question what they read. The Sociology of Consumption. Interviewees, particularly those responsible for shaping institutional policies, recognized the climate as favoring the adoption of new technologies. In practice I found that permission was always granted, and the approach often led to additional insights and discussions. Beccaloni, G. W., Scoble, M. J., Robinson, G. S., Downton, A. C., & Lucas, S. M. (, Heath, D., Koch, E., Ley, B., & Montoya, M. (, Palackal, A., Anderson, M., Miller, B. P., & Shrum, W. (. Upon this basis contemporary studies range more widely (Heath, 1998; Heath, Koch, Ley, & Montoya, 1999; Hess, 2001; Martin, 1994, 1998), inspired in part by the renewed focus within anthropology on ethnography as a multi-sited endeavor and a means to explore global connections suffusing local sites (Amit, 2000; Burawoy, 2000; Gupta & Ferguson, 1997; Marcus, 1995, 1998). Indeed, many domains of contemporary life would be amenable to such an approach, appropriately adapted to explore the various strands of interpretation and expectation that make sense of particular technological choices. Their assessment of appropriate courses of action was suffused by disquiet about the reputation of the discipline and concerns to sustain its fundability. The chapter aims to explore the extent to which everyday practice and institutional structures in this discipline were changing, in the face of what in high-level policy forums was being described as a need for radical change. by . Gender stratification and e-science: Can the Internet circumvent patrifocality? Nonetheless, the overall approach of exploring the ways in which diverse forms of activity are connected to and mutually inform one another could be a fruitful one to generalize to other situations. A few members spoke of their list participation as fun, indicating that they enjoyed the intellectual stimulation of engaging in debate. By looking around at what is visible on the Web and at the various ways in which different resources are linked, it is possible to get a sense of it as a landscape, differentiated by prominent features and well trodden routes. This report provided a significant resource for the ethnography, offering as it did a set of explicit recommendations for systematics and involving along the way considerable comment on the role of information and communication technology in the future of the discipline. 2008 English. We find that Skype serves as the primary technology that enables gameplay between other spaces (e.g., building a server, playing on that server, and . of Design, my group of 15 directs was responsible for the industrial design and controls interaction (UX/ ID) of all products in the Cooking, Refrigeration, Laundry . We found that club members took advantage of the different spaces, people, and times available to them across Whyville, the club, and even home and classroom spaces. I was interested in the way that computing skills had been progressively integrated into the job descriptions of museum and herbarium curators, and I used job advertisements sent to the list over the years as a source of data to track developments in this area. I also conducted extensive online fieldwork, exploring websites and hyperlink landscapes, participating in online forums, and conducting email interviews. These themes emerged from a small body of work that examined the on/off-line realm in 2003. In the concept of connective ethnography presented in this article, the sensitivity to 'the making of context' includes both the sense of a local physical context as well as the increasing connections between information resources in the form of people, systems and texts. Its peer network, according to the TouchGraph Google browser, consists of other resources relating to Lepidoptera. This review surveys an emergent methodological trend in anthropological research that concerns the adaptation of long-standing modes of ethnographic practices to more complex objects of study. Prezi survey reveals larger video meetings are the most productive; Oct. 24, 2022. ). pp. In spring 2019, as a part of our new degree programme . Once again, tracing the relevant connections and boundaries is an ethnographic puzzle rather than a question to be solved before beginning the ethnography. The methodological approach of virtual ethnography has been broadened and reformulated through new proposals such as digital ethnography, ethnography on/of/through the Internet, connective ethnography, networked ethnography, cyberethnography, etc. Instead of studying the learning outcomes of the method, we decided in this research to focus on the teachers' experiences when doing things differently in a fairly traditional pedagogical institution like a university. The published report preserves the spoken and written evidence submitted to the committee as well as the recommendations, and as such provides a rich resource for exploring how those concerned identified themselves and portrayed their concerns in the public arena. Cambridge University Press, 265-274. New initiatives were often promoted here, and sometimes heated discussions broke out relating to controversial topics. Respondents gave me insights into how they read messages and what they thought list biases might be. We suggest that an ethnographic treatment, This pathbreaking book is the first to provide a rigorous and comprehensive examination of Internet culture and consumption. Some connections that I followed were literally hyperlinks, where one website enabled me to move straight to another in a strategy similar to the snowballing that happens when one interviewee suggests another. Given the 15 years since Leander and McKim's argument, has research using connective ethnography supported, extended, or countered their seven themes about connective The article outlines the historical development of the, VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, Ethnographies involve the exploration of social phenomena in the field, typically for an extended period of time. This article describes a methodological response to e-science that builds on ethnographic traditions for understanding scientific practice. The list was therefore a considerable practical aid to the observation of the discipline, as a complement to conversations that I was already having with individual interviewees face-to-face about their involvement in online initiatives. These institutions could, however, be observed quite readily on the web as individual sites which tended to figure prominently in search engine results. A Connective Ethnography in a Teen Online Game World Deborah A. She is the author of Virtual Ethnography (Sage, 2000) and editor of Virtual Methods (Berg, 2005) and New Infrastructures for Knowledge Production (Idea Group, 2006). And Interdisciplinary Studies to question what they read see it data sets, and is part of our new programme. Spacetransforming and spacedefying characteristics of information and communications technologies a widely discussed expectation in recent years controversial topics participation a. 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